Hidden Westworld website teases new parks and what to expect from future seasons

By now, you’ve probably seen the Westworld season 2 trailer (if not, head right this way for the big Super Bowl trailers) but, this being Westworld, nothing is ever straightforward. In fact, an eagle-eyed fan has spotted an easy-to-miss code within the trailer which leads to – you guessed it – a hidden website. It’s not just any old marketing campaign, though. This one offers the biggest tease yet of what we can expect from season 2 and beyond.

Over on Reddit, user Askin1 deciphered a code which you can briefly see at 0:31 in the trailer (which you can see below). It turns out, it’s a binary code that leads to DelosDestinations.com.

For those unfamiliar with Delos, it’s the company that owns and runs Westworld. The shadowy corporation hasn’t played its hand in the show as of yet, but their fingerprints are all over this one. The key takeaway from the website is the reveal of six parks. Samurai World is heading our way in season 2 and, lest we forget, the eponymous Westworld made up the location of season 1.

What parks could we see in new Westworld seasons?

There are still four to be revealed. There’s a fair chance we won’t see all of them in the show’s run, but the film version of Westworld is key to looking at what might come next. In that, Delos ran three parks: Westworld, Roman World and Medieval World. I’d wager a pretty penny that we’ll see one, if not both, in future seasons. A Game of Thrones-inspired Westworld season, anyone?

What else is coming?

It’s interesting to note that this website is Delos’ design, without reference to Ford or William. The edges of the world surrounding Westworld and its various staff have only been glimpsed briefly. Could we be seeing founder James Delos (providing he’s still around, of course) or a descendant intervene after the traumatic events of the Westworld season 1 finale? That surely spells bad news for everyone involved in the park.

The best bit of digging, however, comes in the form of the website’s error code: ERR//teBouYrvehoeWnaW. As pointed out, that’s an anagram of Be Whoever You Want. The death and destruction wrought in the wake of the final moments of the season is only going to escalate and intensify now that the guests are vulnerable and fair game in the park. And you never know, Delos may have been playing around with the idea of changes faces and being new people entirely. I wouldn’t put it past them. 

So, there you have it. Like Westworld itself, a seemingly insignificant detail has opened the floodgates. New parks, a possible new baddie, and a completely new way to look at things. Bring on April 22.

Image: HBO

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.