Heavy Weapon - Xbox Live Arcade review

He ain't heavy...

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On the later levels, the screen becomes choked with missiles, bombs, planes and helicopters of every description, as well as the occasional blimp or artillery-blasting land vehicle trying to blasterate your from the side. You'll be dodging more than firing; something most shooter fans will really be able to appreciate. Your selection of upgrades is typical shooter fare: guided and unguided missiles, lasers, a lightning gun, shield, and defensive orbs that soak up bullets - but you're given a choice as to which ones to beef up each time you enter a level.

Visually, Heavy Weapon isn't the most amazing looking game on Xbox Live Arcade, but it's a step up from the PC game it's based upon. Colors are vibrant, and everything moves at a nice, smooth frame rate. Some of the end-level bosses are huge, and animate very nicely. The gigantic mushroom cloud that appears in the background every time you set off a nuke (the game's version of a smart bomb) is incredibly satisfying, as well.

More info

DescriptionHeavy Weapon is the type of brief, brainless fun that XBLA is built for.
Platform"Xbox 360","PS3"
US censor rating"Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+"
UK censor rating"7+","7+"
Alternative names"Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)