Heart strings are made of yarn in new platformer Unravel

Unravel, a new platformer announced by EA in its E3 2015 conference, radiated warmness in a show otherwise dominated by games set in the Star Wars universe, the Mass Effect universe and the, uh, FIFA universe.

The quiet, sweet little platformer, developed by Sweden’s Coldwood Interactive, follows a wide-eyed creature made of yarn, venturing out from a suburban home and into the big world outside. Bonus: Your mom probably doesn’t tell you to put on a sweater if you’re halfway to being one yourself.

Yarnie (aww, his name is Yarnie?!) skips into a mundane world made scary and intimidating by his small stature, fragile material and tiny stride. He slowly unravels, anchored to the ball of yarn he left miles behind. He can get farther by collecting more bits of textile, but finds himself stretched thin as soon as he starts swinging across gaps and suspending self-made bridges between rickety tree branches. Nature proves to be a fierce threat overall, with rockslides and rain-slick roads threatening to turn Yarnie into the world’s saddest bit of fluff.

Unravel is coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 in 2016.

Ludwig Kietzmann

Ludwig Kietzmann is a veteran video game journalist and former U.S. Editor-in-Chief for 12DOVE. Before he held that position, Ludwig worked for sites like Engadget and Joystiq, helping to craft news and feature coverage. Ludwig left journalism behind in 2016 and is now an editorial director at Assembly Media, helping to oversee editorial strategy and media relations for Xbox.