Hawkeye finally grabs the spotlight in the Christmassy first trailer for his new Marvel series

Hawkeye may be one of the most overlooked Avengers – but he’s finally getting his due.

The first trailer for Clint Barton’s Disney Plus show (out November 24) is here, and it shows Jeremy Renner’s archer not only atoning for his past, but also training a Marvel hero from the next generation.

Joining Renner is Hailee Steinfeld, who is set to play Kate Bishop. The self-described "world’s greatest archer" first enters Barton’s radar by running around as Ronin, the vigilante persona Hawkeye took up before the events of Avengers: Endgame.

Bishop certainly hits the mark – both literally and otherwise – and is set to have a large, almost equal present alongside Hawkeye as they take on tracksuited thugs. They've even got archer's best friend, Lucky the Pizza Dog, in tow.

What might surprise many, though, is Marvel going full Christmas in Hawkeye. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Barton is going to spend it training a protégé and drawing his quiver at those who wish him harm for the holidays.

As ever, there are nods to Marvel’s past – including a Captain America musical that we’re hoping to get front-row seats for. Comic fans will also be acutely aware of the many, many similarities between the Hawkeye series and the legendary Matt Fraction/David Aja comic run of the same name. That even extends to what appears to be Barton wearing hearing aids. That’s a plot point likely to be explored at length, especially given that Echo, a deaf superhero, is also set to appear in Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is set to stream weekly on Disney Plus from November 24. For more on what the MCU is cooking up, here’s our guide to all the new Marvel TV shows coming your way, and our rundown of Marvel Phase 4.

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.