Has Mark Hamill just revealed his big Star Wars secret? SPOILERS

When it comes to Star Wars: The Force Awakens we think JJ Abrams and co have done a pretty good job of keeping any major spoilers or plot points off the internet (no mean feat in this day and age!), but it could all be for nothing thanks to one little tweet. Less than week after Mark Hamill revealed to us that he was keeping a HUGE secret about Star Wars 7, the actor may have ruined it all...

Warning: do not read on if you don't want to know any potential spoilers about Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Seriously, potential spoilers are a coming!

You sure you want to know?

With this one tweet Mark Hamill seems to confirm that Luke Skywalker will be returning for Episode VIII, effectively ruining The Force Awakens for hardcore fans. It doesn't necessarily mean that Luke won't die in the upcoming film, or that he isn't dead already, as both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker appeared on screen after their deaths, but it does seem to spoil at least an element of the highly anticipated movie.

"I have something coming out where there’s an amount of money that if it leaks, because of me, I don’t get that payment," Hamill said, when he spoke about his Episode VII secret. Could this mean that the actor is losing out on a big payout?

The Star Wars icon tweeted again after receiving (presumably) hundreds of angry responses to his spoiler saying it wasn't a spoiler at all! He added that his "lips remain sealed", meaning he's apparently still keeping Abrams' big reveal a secret... for now.

Directed by JJ Abrams and starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is in UK cinemas from December 17, and released in the US on December 18.

Lauren O'Callaghan

Lauren O'Callaghan is the former Entertainment Editor of 12DOVE. You'd typically find Lauren writing features and reviews about the latest and greatest in pop culture and entertainment, and assisting the teams at Total Film and SFX to bring their excellent content onto 12DOVE. Lauren is now the digital marketing manager at the National Trust.