Dialogue Options: What are your hardest gaming achievements?

The term ‘rage quit’ exists for a reason. As often as games provide us with escape and relaxation, sometimes a particular level or boss fight can leave us feeling just as distressed as the real world issues we’re trying to take our mind off of. Whether it’s racing to beat a time trial or using a guide to help you grind towards a platinum trophy or the full gamer score, games can be just as rage-inducing as they are joyful.

For this week’s Dialogue Options, video producer Ellen Causey, news editor Ben Tyrer, and guides writer Ford James sit down to talk about their biggest, and toughest, gaming achievements. They recount trophies that nearly had them give up on a game altogether, and boss battles that left them cheering upon completion. Because, for all the issues they provide us, succeeding at an in-game goal you’ve been working towards for weeks, or in the case of Ford and his Call of Duty Damascus skin, months, is a feeling like no other. 

They also delve into gaming moments in which they’ve had to admit defeat. Because sometimes it’s harder to walk away from an achievement that’s driving you up the wall than it is to keep going. Ben recounts his experience trying to platinum Rayman Origins and Ellen remembers a particularly arduous trophy in Days Gone involving kicking piles of rocks. 

Whether it’s an achievement you hold or one that slipped through your fingers, everyone has a few painstakingly difficult moments in games they love. Be sure to let us know yours in the comments on our Youtube video, or below. 

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