HaloRadar: Machinima Academy Awards

1st Place...Darkspire Films

Quality.Quantity.Diversity.Darkspire offers the entire entertainment package. To be honest, though, they probably would have ended up the winners even if they'd only made the following clip - "More Blood." Adding buckets of guts and gore to Halo is a fantastic concept, but making it look almost believable is what's really impressive.

"More Blood"

The directors at Darkspire are also blessed with a subtle comedic touch that other machinima makers lack. They don't push obvious jokes in your face. Take this clip, which is inexplicably sublime.

"What's Going On?!"

For more Darkspire,go here. Congratulations, guys! We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.

Did we overlook a true machinima artist? You, perhaps? Let us know at[email protected]. We may feature the clip in an upcoming HaloRadar!

For more HaloRadar - including our Skulls Video Guide and the famous Faces of Death series -click here.

Charlie Barratt
I enjoy sunshine, the company of kittens and turning frowns upside down. I am also a fan of sarcasm. Let's be friends!