Halo: Reach - The game vs the commerical

Big-ass ships go boom

Pretty simple this one. Deliver Hope ends with a Spartan flying up to a huge Covenant ship and blowing the holy hell out of it. The game also has a similar section where Jorge (aka Noble Five) sacrifices himself by blowing up an equally big-ass ship in orbit above Reach. It’s one of the most striking, memorable set-pieces in the game, so it’s nice to see the ad alluding to it at the end.

They’re both a bit melancholy

What's the main element that links both commercial and game together, you ask? The idea of sacrifice. As Bungie has admitted, Reach is a fairly tragic tale, albeit one that’s told in relatively cold, clinical fashion. Unlike Halo 3, which got a tad sappy when big characters started going the way of Elvis, Yoda and Joaquin Phoenix credibility, Reach remains resolutely stiff upper lippy throughout. Sure, soldiers bite it. But that’s just the kind of shit that happens in war. This melancholy, slightly downbeat tone, tinged with a final act of hope, ties the game and its ad together beautifully.

Also, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh! Jet packs!

Yeah, we think “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” should about cover it.

Sep 24, 2010

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.