Halo Infinite Big Team Battle update is going live this week

Halo Infinite
(Image credit: 343 Industires)

Update: 343 Industries says an update for Halo Infinite's Big Team Battle mode is planned to go live on Thursday at 10am PT / 1pm ET.

Big Team Battle mode has been plagued by serious matchmaking problems for a while now, and 343 Industries has been working on a fix for weeks. We heard over the weekend that the fix had successfully been identified as successfully addressing the "core issue" impacting the Big Team Battle playlist, but now we know when it'll be deployed.

"Meeting just wrapped: Update for BTB is ready for launch tomorrow, targeting 10am PT. See you all then," Halo Infinite community manager John Junyszek wrote on Twitter Wednesday evening.

Original story:

Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries has confirmed that while it thinks it has finally addressed the "core issue" impacting the Big Team Battle playlist, we're unlikely to see a hotfix deployed until February 3 "at the earliest".

Problems with matchmaking have made it difficult for larger groups of pals to jump into Halo: Infinite's frantic Big Team Battle playlists and so far, all attempts to fix it have yet to do so. Now, however, 343i thinks it may have cracked it.

"Using the telemetry we received from the hotfix on January 19, we were able to make a new build with an update that we believe should address the core issue impacting the BTB playlist," explains senior community manager John Junyszek in a new update on Halo Waypoint

"The studio ran a successful playtest today and plans to send it off for certification on Monday. After it’s sent off, it will take some time to go through the certification process and to find out if it’s approved. Once it’s approved, we’ll begin preparing to release it to the public. Since there’s still a little more of the internal release process to go through, the earliest we’d expect this hotfix to land would be next Thursday, February 3."

In other news, Halo Infinite players hoping to be reimbursed for XP lost during the shooter's recent server outages were recently told that 343 Industries does not "have the ability to give or replace the XP boosts".

While many titles occasionally suffer a little downtime, the issue is particularly problematic for Halo: Infinite players as XP boosters in the game work in real-time rather than in-game. 

There has been better news for Halo fans recently, though. 343 Industries recently confirmed that from Season 2, players will be able to earn Credits as part of its battle pass system. The studio also confirmed that it had been "monitoring the discussions" about the game's shop and microtransactions and had plans to "reduc[e] pricing across the board".

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Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and GameIndustry.biz. Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter. 

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