Halo Infinite 64 video takes Master Chief to Craig's Crash Site

(Image credit: Hoolopee)

You can't play Halo Infinite on Nintendo 64, but if you could, it would look something like this.

Demake and VFX specialist Hoolopee has been busy since the Halo Infinite campaign trailer debuted, remaking the entire thing as it may have appeared on N64 with the Blender 3D modeling and animation tool. The demake trailer starts with Master Chief and the pilot crash landing on Zeta Halo, all narrated by the pessimistic pilot. This being an N64 version, his voice lines are replaced with a bunch of Banjo-Kazooie style grunts and "No!" effects that play as his text appears on screen.

Once they land on the planet, you get to enjoy some authentically framey scenes of Master Chief exploring the ring world's fuzzy surface (set to the tune of a midi version of the Halo theme played with Ocarina of Time's virtual instruments). The Halo Infinite N64 demake sticks pretty close to the trailer at first, with some quick combat against hapless grunts and a lovely low-res Warthog ride, but everything goes off the rails soon after the Star Fox 64 Arwing shows up.

I always love to see how these demake parodies approach their source material, and how they're colored by what stands out in our collective memories of classic consoles. What I'm saying is that if Halo Infinite was really on N64 it would definitely have a lot more fog and the user interface would be way more of a headache. But maybe leaving those parts out is for the best.

If you prefer your space-trees to have a few more polygons, you should check out this Halo Infinite Dreams creation.

Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.