Halo 3 documentary inbound

Monday 18 December 2006
Bungie has confirmed that a brand new video focusing on Halo 3, the upcoming Xbox 360 sequel to the developer's smash sci-fi series, will be released on Xbox Live Marketplace and online in the coming week.

Billed as a Halo 3 documentary, Bungie has hinted that the footage will offer our first look at the newly designed feature, Campaign mode.

"We're keeping the exact contents a surprise,"Bungie blogger Frankie has revealedover at the developer's website, assuring fans that "it's a very interesting piece, especially if you're interested in Campaign mode". Which, of course, covers just about every man and his blog.

Frankie then pours yet more flammable wordage on the embers of our enthusiasm by teasing that you'll want to download the 360 version (rather than the online one) because it'll "have the best resolution for pausing, staring at something and saying, 'Is that what I think it is!?'".

As ever, Bungie loves to whip up the excitement levels in its fans. And we'd expect this latest movie to be no less than a work-preventing day-stopper after Frankie's intense build up. However, Bungie has also quashed recent suggestions - from fanboy bloggers, mostly - that the movie would confirm a Brute character as playable in Halo 3's single-player mode. Good news, we reckon.

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.