Guitar Hero II review

We sold our souls for rock and roll - and it was worth every f@#%ing penny

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If you've played the PS2 version - and good lord, please say you have - you'll find the same thrilling core experience, just slightly upgraded. The graphics are noticeably sharper - this is 720p, after all - and the models have been tweaked a bit into the cartoon realm. It's all part of your rock and roll fantasy. More importantly, the 360 version includes eight new tracks, which represent a nice mix of classic and current anthems - Alice Cooper's "Billion Dollar Babies" and Iron Maiden's "The Trooper" share space with more recent fare like Rancid's "Salvation" and Pearl Jam's "Life Wasted." All of it rocks harder than your mom's headboard when dad's in a dirty mood. And if for some reason the 74 tracks that come with the game aren't enough, get ready for pay-to-play downloadable tracks over Xbox Live, too.

Let's clarify that: You'll be able to pay to download more songs, but you won't be able to actually play those songs against other people online. GHII's versus and co-op modes are strictly same-screen affairs. Depending on the song, each player tackles either the lead guitar, rhythm guitar, or bass duties, making beautiful music together. For those who prefer to cut heads, the Face-Off mode throws two guitarists into a rock battle for six-string supremacy.

More info

DescriptionThe sequel to Guitar Hero promises 55 new songs and the option to jam with friends on bass, rhythm or lead guitar tracks.
Franchise nameGuitar Hero
UK franchise nameGuitar Hero
Platform"PS3","Xbox 360","Wii","PS2","PC"
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"Rating Pending","Rating Pending","Rating Pending","Rating Pending","Rating Pending"
Alternative names"Guitar Hero 2","GH2"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)