Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer has the internet obsessed with Baby Rocket – but worried about his fate

The Guardians of the Galaxy 3 trailer is finally here – and everyone is losing it over Baby Rocket. In the new footage, we see everyone's favorite talking racoon as a cub, and it's just as adorable as you're imagining. But, while the internet is obsessed with how cute Rocket is, everyone is also very worried about his fate. 

"HE'S SO CUTE, ALREADY CRYING," is one person's reaction to the baby, while another concerned fan says, "please God keep him safe please." 

"I WILL CRY I WILL I KNOW," someone else says, and this person simply predicts: "He's going to die." Another worried fan has even backed up their guess that Rocket will die with some stills from the trailer:  

"I HAVEN'T EVEN WATCHED THE MOVIE YET AND I'M ALREADY CRYING," is this person's thoughts on the baby. "Baby Rocket is gonna have people weeping in those theater seats," agrees someone else

Some people, though, believe the raccoon will make it: "Rocket is gonna beat the death allegations trust me so stop saying he's gonna die"

It's not just Rocket people are fearing for, either. "Part of my brain tells me this could have a Rogue One-type ending but I'm trying to ignore those thoughts the best I can," thinks one fan – in the Star Wars movie, all the main characters die at the end. 

Another person is convinced the Rocket death clues are a fake out: "They're selling that wayyy too hard for it to actually happen. Plus, the reference in the last part of the trailer has got to be a subversion. I'm thinking they probably don't kill the core five members, it's probably going to be Nebula or Mantis imo."

Fortunately, we don't have that long to wait to find out the fate of the crew. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 hits theaters on May 5, 2023. Until then, check out our guide to all the upcoming Marvel movies and Disney Plus TV shows for everything else the MCU has in store for us. 

Molly Edwards
Entertainment Writer

I'm an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering all things film and TV for the site's Total Film and SFX sections. I previously worked on the Disney magazines team at Immediate Media, and also wrote on the CBeebies, MEGA!, and Star Wars Galaxy titles after graduating with a BA in English.