The 34 greatest, most absurdly interesting doors in gaming

Spy Vs Spy | Booby-trap door

This door is great because: It serves impassively--and impartially--as a very cunning booby-trap opportunity. However, whether the door is your ally or enemy is completely dependant on whether you are the booby-trapper or the booby-trapped. Which booby are you?

God of War | Doors for real men

This door is great because: Doors with knobs and hinges? Thats for wimps. Real men use intimidating hernia-inducing doors made of solid rock and pain, and are operated with levers and chains and pulleys and pure raw man power.

Fallout 3 | Rude door

This door is great because: Opening the door reveals a wall and on the wall are the words F**K YOU crudely daubed in green paint. Which is great because swearing.

Mappy | Anti-cat door

This door is great because: It gets rid of cats. Under regular conditions we would have no use for a door which gets rid of cats. We like cats. But in a game in which we are playing as a mouse then a door which gets rid of cats is very useful

Dantes Inferno | The door that is the Gates of Hell

This door is great because: It leads to Hell. Admittedly, Hell itself isnt particularly great, but being the door that leads to Hell is a pretty impressive claim to fame (if youre a door).

Hotel Mario | Best worst doors

This door is great because: The entire game is about shutting doors and everyone loves the unrivalled thrill of door shutting.

Okami | Doors locked by Lockjaws

This door is great because: Its lock is a one-eyed demon padlock that shakes in terror when it sees a key, which is probably because its eye is the keyhole. As if having a key in the eye wasnt bad enough, once unlocked a Lockjaw explodes. Sucks to be a Lockjaw.

Half-Life | Door of vocational opportunity

This door is great because: That nice G-Man fellow says his employers would like Gordon Freeman to come work for them and all Gordon has to do to accept the offer is step through the door and into the portal of green. Its a door to an exciting new career.


And thats where well have to shut the--ahem--door on this feature. But if you have a door you feel deserves a place on this list of greatest, most absurdly interesting doors in gaming, please tell us in the comments and if we get enough door suggestions well update the feature.

For more content like this, check out 28 of the most favourite video game trees ever and The Top 7... Most significant boxes in video games from 2011 .

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