The 34 greatest, most absurdly interesting doors in gaming

Left 4 Dead | Safe room door

This door is great because: It is attached to a safe room.

BioShock | Door to Rapture

This door is great because: Would you kindly... leave the door wide open?

Heavy Rain | Secret door to killers hidden room

This door is great because: Press Circle to open and reveal identity of killer. Jason is not behind the door.

Plants Vs Zombies | Zombie protection door

This door is great because: It makes a refreshing change from zombies thoughtlessly destroying doors in a desperate grab for brains.

LA Noire | Clue door

This door is great because: It provides the first clue in the first case. The clue is all that red stuff. Which is blood. CASE CLOSED.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Black Door

This door is great because: At first it seems pretty spooky but beneath its stony skull exterior it is just a magic talking door that enjoys doing riddles on people. And everyone loves riddles.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door | Old door

This door is great because: Its titular and opening it is the main quest (Princess Peach needs rescuing--natch--from the other side). And because the door is so completely great, when its opened theres a whole dedicated door opening cut-scene and everything.

Fallout 3 | Door to the Wasteland

This door is great because: Its the only door that leads outside to the Capital Wasteland and marks the start of the adventure proper. Going through the door can also be used to change your characters race and/or sex. Were not quite sure how that works, but whatever. It does. And thats that.

Portal 2 | Fake door

This door is great because: ITS A TRAP!!!

Gauntlet | Many doors of monster containment

This door is great because: It keeps back many types of monster. It even keeps back ghosts, which are supernatural beings normally associated with the skill of being able to pass through solid objects. Solid objects like doors, for example.

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