The 34 greatest, most absurdly interesting doors in gaming

Pac-Man | Ghost containment door

This door is great because: It prevents accidental access to the ghost containment chamber.

Metal Gear Solid | Locker door

This door is great because: It has slats at eye-level, allowing anyone hiding inside the locker to easily observe movements of enemy guards in close proximity of the locker. The inside of the door can also be utilised as a discrete gravure viewing surface.

The Darkness | Dramatic door

This door is great because: It adds incredible drama and tension by acting as a barrier between protagonist Jackie Estacado and his girlfriend Jenny. Overpowered by demons, Jackie is forced to watch through the door as Jenny is executed. Without the door, this scene would not be as emotionally powerful and important for the narrative and stuff.

Bonanza Bros. | Anti-idiot door

This door is great because: Guards conveniently stand behind it, which is an open invitation to the titular duo to utilise the door as a weapon which will render the guards temporarily stunned (even guards wearing full riot gear). No matter how many times this happens, the guards are repeatedly caught out in this manner. Its almost as if they are pre-programmed to stand behind doors. Idiots.

Kingdom Hearts | The Door to Darkness

This door is great because: Mickey Mouse is on the other side.

Mario | Ghost House doors

This door is great because: It sometimes turns into ghosts.

Fable | Demon doors

This door is great because: Gregarious disposition. Talks. Has beard.

Red Dead Redemption | Saloon doors

This door is great because: Its the best type of door for walking in/out of a place and looking like a badass. Also demonstrates good swinging physics.

Max Payne 2 | Morgue door

This door is great because: It can only be opened from the inside, meaning bad man cant get in to kill Max Payne, but Max Payne can open it with force, knocking bad man to the floor, consequently enabling Max Payne to flee while bad man is temporarily incapacitated. Thanks door.

Fez | 8-bit trans-dimensional doors

This door is great because: Where will it lead? To a room? To an adjacent door? To a treasure map? To another dimension on the other side of the world? To a migraine triggered by complete spatial discombobulation?

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