Grand Theft Auto V trailer breakdown - Looking at every thing to look at in GTAV's second trailer
Analysis and commentary to make the wait even harder

Grand Theft Auto V's second trailer is here
Rockstar, as promised, released the second trailer for GTA 5 today, showcasing the game for the first time in nearly a year. We've poured over the under two-minute video and come away with plenty of information on the trio of protagonists, the setting, and lots more. If you thought you'd seen it all you're sorely mistaken--take a look.
It's part analysis, part commentary, and part--OH DID YOU SEE THAT THERE WAS A DOG IN THE TRAILER?! Oh, and click the little icon on the top right of the image if you want to see it expanded, which we're guessing you do.

As good a view as any
Though your eyes are likely drawn to the million-dollar penthouse in the foreground, it's the background that should be getting your attention here. San Andreas looks absolutely beautiful. Rockstar said that this was, geographically, the biggest GTA yet, and from the looks of things they aren't foolin'. You can see suburbs, the city, the wilderness, and everything in between here--as well as a nice layer of smog to remind you that this is, indeed, Rockstar, and their worlds are as magnificent as they are gritty.

How the rich people live
We're still in "rich people land" here, looking at massive houses with their own tennis courts and gardeners (look at the bottom left).

How the rich people drive
And, of course, flashy cars. Don't worry, though--even though you might never own a car this nice, you'll surely be able to steal it within the first ten minutes of GTA V.

"He is not staying the night! He's a bum!"
We can't be sure, but we think that these two classy ladies are Micheal's wife and daughter. How do we know they're classy? Well, their apartment looks like it's out of an NBC sitcom, there's a wine rack built into the wall, and the woman in the foreground (the one who, it would seem, has a pro-bum agenda) has both a tattoo on the back of her neck and a tramp stamp. Classy. Classy.

"You know I've been in this game for a lot of years..."
Speak of the devil, here's Michael, one of the game's three protagonists. Here he's chilling poolside, picking up and throwing leaves and enjoying himself. This is, very obviously, a rich area.

"...and I got out alive."
Sitting next to a pool, smoking a cigar, drinking what is likely an expensive drink... Michael is enjoying as good a life as any retired criminal could hope for.

"If you want my advice, give this shit up."
We don't know who Micheal's words of warning are aimed at, but he obviously doesn't think people should follow the same path he did. Not sure why, though--he seems to be doing alright for himself.

The rest of the city
Now we're out of the rich area and into the actual city itself. Skyscrapers are in the background, trains are running below, and there's an area to the right where you'll be able to recreate the motorcycle chase from Terminator 2. This game has everything.

Into the desert
After that brief glimpse of city life we're on the road, checking out the deserts of San Andreas. The visuals are incredible, and the vehicles, in particular, look fantastic.

"The guns and crank in this area..."
Well, that's quite the transition. After seeing how the rich people live we're thrown outside a crappy bar. There's a sign for Piwasser (pronounced "pisswasser"), one of the more famous beers from the Grand Theft Auto series. Pay special attention to the awful looking Mohawk on the guy in front. Seriously. Pay VERY special attention to him. Not that he does anything important, mind you, we just want you to acknowledge how bad his Mohawk is.

"...go through Trevor Phillips enterprises..."
Well, this is an odd scene. In the awful white shirt we have Trevor Phillips (who we'll get to in a second), who appears to be antagonizing a guy standing in a river. Also in the river is an RV, which we're really hoping is used for cooking meth.

"...or they ain't goin!"
Trevor continues to threaten people, this time bashing a guy's head into a wall. This is either a cutscene, or confirmation that there's some sort of enhanced melee in the game besides punching people a bunch of times before they fall down. Also, "No Smoking," because this is America, punks.

Introducing Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips is the dirtiest of the game's three protagonists. The balding drug-addict has "cut here" tattoo on his neck and a severe anger management problem--we can't wait to play as him.

Dune buggy!
How do we know that we'll enjoy playing as Trevor? Because he has a dune buggy! That's how! There's a sign behind him that we can't read well, but we think it says "SOMETHING Enter."

And Molotov cocktails!
Besides having an awful tattoo and a dune buggy, Trevor also throws some Molotov cocktails in the trailer. They leave a nice fire trail in the sky, too, showing the improvements to the engine that Rockstar has worked on.

He started the fire
We don't know why Trevor is lighting this building on fire, but he seems to be doing it well. The speed at which the fire spreads makes us think that there's more at play than just a few bombs, though--maybe there's a gas leak? Maybe the building has been doused in gasoline already?

In before the boom
Whatever it is, it causes the house to go from this...

BOOM! this. The entire building is blown to smithereens, and Trevor looks SUPER happy about it. He's very satisfied, you guys.

"I'll swing by and sign the contracts, just ignore the bodies."
Trevor ends his vignette with a quick quip about his high bodycount. Looking around it looks like this is an auto body shop, or maybe an abandoned gas station. It looks like the areas where the pumps would be have been worked on recently (note the rubble and traffic cones), so we're going to go with the latter.

Shots of the city at dusk (or dawn)
The sun is either rising or setting in this shot. We don't know which, but we do know that it's pretty.

More trains, too
Another shot of the city, but it looks completely different from the last few. There appears to be a good deal of variety in the settings shown off, with each capturing a totally different vibe.

"Can you tell me where Berto beach house is?"
And the "heroes" begin to overlap. Already the plots are crossing over, with Michael, slumming it on a bench, being run into by the game's third protagonist: Franklin.

"That house right there with the yellow stairs."
That's Franklin on the left. Michael sends them on their way, but this isn't the last the two meet. It appears that this is near the beach, with the boardwalk and a small amusement park visible in the background. We don't know if you'll be able to ride the Ferris Wheel, but we're hoping you can.

Franklin steals a car
Though Franklin is the youngest, it doesn't mean he isn't capable. Here, he steals a car from an angry guy in a yellow shirt. This scene actually has a few little things to note, too: there's a security camera on the garage and a Bobcat security sign on the right. A lot of good that did him, eh?

Driving with friends
Franklin is in the car he just stole (in the back), but it looks a lot like Michael is driving the red car in the front. We only see him for a second, though, so we can't be too sure.
Also, for no reason but because we noticed it, the car's license plat is 34GSH373. There. Your OCD can chill out, now.

"I don't care how many cars you own..."
Franklin and a lady are arguing about something. Looking outside, this area looks similar to the rich ones we saw earlier in the trailer, but we can't be too sure from this angle. From the next one, though...

" ain't changin'!"
A better shot of the woman he's arguing with and the place they're arguing. As we said, this is definitely a nice area they're in, with walls painted in primary colors and pictures of buildings on the wall. Fancy, right? On the left you can see what looks like the water. Giant, pretty waterfront property? Franklin is doing well for himself.

Police chase (and falling cars)
This police chase isn't going the way that cop expected when he woke up in the morning. The multi-car tractor trailer/tractor trailer auto transporters (we looked up the names online, we have no idea what they're really called) he's chasing isn't playing fair, and has dropped a car off its tracks. When the car hits the ground, though, it spins around, obviously being driven by someone. Also, they just drove past a billboard for doughnuts, so he's undoubtedly hungry.

"I'm getting my money in the hood--I'm cool!"
Franklin continues to argue with every single person he sees. This time, his friend apparently is totally happy with the job he has, and doesn't see any reason to stop doing it or to seek new employment.

"Cool with what? Slinging dope and throwing up gang signs?"
Oh, it turns out his friend's job isn't that good of a job after all. We don't know if Franklin is trying to free him from a life of crime or just upgrade him to a more impressive one--either way, it's good to see him looking out for a friend.

Vehicular damage
Franklin drives dangerously and we get a quick shot at the body damage that can be done to cars in Grand Theft Auto V. It's definitely upgraded from GTA IV's.

Tell us how you really feel
Though Michael doesn't appear to be taking the best of care of his body (what with the boozing and smoking), he does apparently want to deal with his mind. Here, he's sitting in a therapist's office. Compared to most shrinks, this doctor has a pretty open schedule, as we can see by his Outlook calender (which is open on his Fruit computer).

"Your son, James... he's a good kid?"
Here's a really nice shot of Michael, in case you wanted to stare into his eyes. The shrink continues to talk over the scene, asking him about his son. Apparently, Michael has a son.

His son, it seems, isn't that good of a kid
Here, we have a high-speed chase, where Michael tries desperately to help his son not die a horrible death. He's swinging on the folded mast of a boat as Franklin (top right) tries desperately to help.

And he sticks the landing!
His son doesn't die, by the way. He lands safely in his car so he and Michael can share some bonding time.

"Hey let's bounce."
"Bounce. We're bouncing now."
This is one of the best exchanges of the trailer, and also shows how advanced the facial animations have gotten since GTA IV. It's still not up to L.A. Noire levels, but it's good, and allows for some great emotion. Also, are we the only ones getting Jessie Pinkman vibes from his son? And is that a tattoo that says "entitled"? Wonderful.

Foot-stomping good time
And we're back to Trevor, who is stomping someone to death in the desert because he's a crazy person. Hi Trevor! You got red on your shirt.

They are not amused
The person he's stomping to death is, obviously, being stomped to death. The people with him? Not all that into this stomping thing. The guy on the right seems to be wearing a similar team jersey as Micheal's son was, too, but without the numbers on the back. Also, if you look on the right, there is a third person--a woman--who is only seen for a split second.

Taking fire
Trevor continues to be a bad-ass when he drives away in a crappy-looking plane while being shot at. So, yes, there will be planes in the game.

We have liftoff
And despite being shot at, he still manages to take to the sky and fly into the beautifully-rendered distance.

Bank heist
Rockstar confirmed that the plot would involve a number of large heists, and we're looking at one now. The explosion looks awesome, and the rubble effect is definitely a few steps up from Rockstar's other non-Max Payne franchises.

The trio (we think) blows the door
This is, most likely, the first time in the trailer that we see all three protagonists together. Too bad they're all decked out in their "we're about to rob the hell out of this bank" gear for us to know for sure.

DOGGIE DOGGIE DOGGIE THERE'S A DOGGIE IN THIS GAME (and a guy firing, gun sideways, from the passenger seat of the car, and a "Going Cheep" billboard in the back and some posters on those electric lines) DOGGIE DOGGIE DOGGIE.

Sliding over the hood
Aw, where'd the dog go? Oh well. Here a guy slides over the hood of a car, but since he's not any of the playable characters we don't think that's actually a move you can do in the game. Oh well. We miss the dog.

Yes he is! Yes he is! And he's chasing the guy that jumped over the car! Yes he is! Yes he is!

Scaling a building
We've moved far away from that awesome dog, and now we're looking at a guy sliding down the side of a building. We can't be sure, but we think it might be Michael, what with his full head of hair and all.

Smash and grab
Dressed in a "Bugstar" outfit, Michael bashes open the case of a jewelery display, looting it in what we're guessing is another one of the heists.

Motorcycle chases
A nice shot of San Andreas at night as a motorcycle whizzes by. There are road signs, but since everything is given fun GTA names they're essentially meaningless.

Riding a jeep in a... weird tunnel?
In this show someone is riding what looks like a military jeep (look at the star on the back right) in a weird tunnel, but it's not a weird tunnel...

It was actually in an airplane
Someone has been playing too much Uncharted 3. Whoever is driving that car literally drove it out of the back of a flying plane, so we're doubling down on our "military" guess.

And then jumping out
OH NO HE DIDN'T. Based on the exasperated, disgusting groan we think this is Trevor, by the way, because he gets to do all the fun stuff.

Alright, so Franklin gets to do some fun stuff too. Here he's driving in what looks like a sanctioned, official motocross race (note the outfits, all of which are covered in sponsorships and stuff).

But then Trevor does something even cooler
As if he's insulted by the idea of not doing the coolest stuff in the trailer, Trevor is then seen on top of a moving train...


"That's Trevor, my best friend. That's Franklin, the son I always wanted."
And, finally, the three heroes of Grand Theft Auto V meet, and Michael introduces them with a line that doesn't necessarily make sense until the next one...

"Jesus, your therapist has a lot to answer for."
We originally thought this was just a funny line, but after noticing that Michael was actually talking to a shrink earlier in the game it went from "snarky response" to "hilarious anecdote," especially when you think about the fact that there's likely a part in the game where Michael has to come to terms with the fact that Franklin is, indeed, the son he always wanted. We can't wait for that. It looks like this takes place before a large mission, too, since there's a helicopter behind them in this abandoned lot.

Oh, and there are jets
Besides being able to fly helicopters and awful, old airplanes, it looks like you'll be able to pilot jets, too. Here we see someone flying above the city (which looks gorgeous), shooting at a police chopper.

Bombs over Vinewood
And it's all taking place over the Vinewood sign, which is extra awesome. Nice explosion effects, too.

See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil
The three heroes stand in the famous "See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil" pose, which is adorable. You're also not going to get a better picture of the three than this one anytime soon, so you'd better just print it out and keep it with you, just in case you need it.

And that's all she wrote
And then we get the unspecific "Spring 2013" release date, which is likely May (when most other Rockstar games get released). Oh, and you can pre-order it now, if you're so inclined.

Maybe, this time, things will be different
Well, that's that! Did you catch anything we missed? See anything you liked? Let us know in the comments below, or just watch the trailer a few more times--it's alright, we're going to, too. No one will judge you. No one.
And if you're looking for more, check out everything we know about GTA V and more screenshots of GTA V.
Hollander Cooper was the Lead Features Editor of 12DOVE between 2011 and 2014. After that lengthy stint managing GR's editorial calendar he moved behind the curtain and into the video game industry itself, working as social media manager for EA and as a communications lead at Riot Games. Hollander is currently stationed at Apple as an organic social lead for the App Store and Apple Arcade.

GTA publisher is suing a GTA Online website that lets you buy hacked accounts, which "risks upending the GTA 5 player experience"

Former Xbox boss says GTA: San Andreas and its infamously NSFW Hot Coffee minigame "signified a maturing of the industry" and put games "on par with movies and music"

GTA publisher is suing a GTA Online website that lets you buy hacked accounts, which "risks upending the GTA 5 player experience"

Former Xbox boss says GTA: San Andreas and its infamously NSFW Hot Coffee minigame "signified a maturing of the industry" and put games "on par with movies and music"