GR+ Live: Meet the minds behind Hyper Light Drifter

The Legend of Zelda. Castle in the Sky. Diablo. Heart Machine went out of its way to invoke legends of pop culture in describing Hyper Light Drifter, its new game. After three years of highly scrutinized development following a successful Kickstarter campaign, Hyper Light Drifter is finally out on Steam and due out on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the immediate future.

Does it live up to its lofty ambitions? We played a huge chunk of the game alongside developers Alx Preston and Teddy Dief, discussing their strange journey creating Hyper Light Drifter's vivid world.

Dig the show? We air twice a week, so make sure to follow our Twitch channel! When are we live? Here’s our schedule:

Tuesday 4:30PM – 6PM ET/1:30PM – 3PM PT 12DOVE joins fascinating folks from every walk of life, playing their favorite games and other treasures from the history of gaming. This is you chance to chat with creators from the world of music, film, comics, and everything else under the sun.

Thursday 4:30PM – 6PM ET/1:30PM – 3PM PT Arthur C. Clarke said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Maybe that's why video games seem so remarkable. We meet with the creators of the best games to demystify the process.

Anthony John Agnello
I've been playing games since I turned four in 1986, been writing about them since 1987, and writing about them professionally since 2008. My wife and I live in New York City. Chrono Trigger is my favorite game ever made, Hum's Downward is Heavenward is my favorite album, and I regularly find myself singing "You Won't See Me" by The Beatles in awkward situations.