Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising - day three

You'll collect these minions via contracts known as pactum bellum. You can acquire new minions/contracts via quest lines. Some contracts also drop from enemies as loot, while other minions will sell their services to you for a sum of gold. At first, you'll only be able to control one or two minions at a time. But as you near the game's current level cap of 40, you'll eventually be able to control up to four of these minions to round fill out your lonesome party.

Minion management - as well as your banking and trash vendoring needs - may be handled at your Private Camp, an instanced area where you can switch up your minions' equipment and split them up into squads.

There are three types of minions: infantry, spell casters, and skirmishers. Infantry are your typical tanks and are useful for holding aggro, especially for Mystics and Priests who travel with light armor. Spell casters can supplement your party with additional damage or healing, while skirmishers - who are generally hybrid characters - can add a bit of everything to round out your team.
