God of War PSP this year

God of War looks set to be heading to PSP, after a teaser ad has been spotted on the back of the instruction manual for GoW II.

A handheld version of Sony's bloody action game has been rumored for what seems like forever, but after 1up.comgot its hands on an early copy, the rumor now looks to have stepped into the light andhas been confirmed.

Above: The PS2God of War gamespushed the system to its limits, and we fully expect the PSP iteration to do the same

All we're waiting for now is Sony. With GDC kicking-off today, we'd expect some sort of conformation from Sony. Who knows, it might even be there?

If it is, we'll let you know.We arealready waiting outside the front doors like it's a line for a next generation console launch. Check back for updates throughout the week.

March 5, 2007