God of War gets a giant-sized update that includes New Game+ mode

It's not as if you need a reason to revisit the masterpiece that is God of War, but PlayStation is giving you one anyway with a New Game+ mode for the epic adventure. The mode comes with a new resource, "Skap Slag" - which Google Translate tells me means "Cabinet Battle" in Norwegian, that can be used to craft gear and weapons from a new rarity tier.  

The new mode will be available on August 20, and according to SCE Santa Monica Studios' Aaron Kaufman it was designed with player requests in mind.  

"It’s inspired by your feedback first and foremost," he says. "With New Game+ comes along a host of new gear, more difficult enemies, and cinematic skipping." 

Though if you skip any of the beautiful, perfectly created emotional cutscenes just to save a bit of time you are, of course, a deviant who should be fed to Jörmungandr.

Kaufman also promises that as well as being harder to take down, some of the bigger enemies will also have some new tricks up their blood-stained sleeves. Luckily Kratos and Atreus get to kit themselves out with "powerful new armor sets and enchantments," so that should level the playing field a little. 

Did you catch the massive story spoiler for God of War that was secretly revealed at the very beginning of the game?  

Rachel Weber
Managing Editor, US

Rachel Weber is the US Managing Editor of 12DOVE and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She joined 12DOVE in 2017, revitalizing the news coverage and building new processes and strategies for the US team.