Ghost Rider review

How can a game starring a skeleton with his head on fire be so dull?

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The PSP version has an entirely new racing section as compared to the PS2 version, called Challenge Mode. Here you choose a character (Johnny Blaze, Classicor Movie Ghost Rider, or even Marvel vampire-hunter Blade). The tracks incorporate Marvel mainstays, as The Daily Bugle and The Vault prison are available. So it's on to the deathraces, with bike-to-bike melee combat as well as random weapon pick-ups in the style of Mario Kart.

These range from the obvious (flaming shooty stuff) to the ingenious – “confusion,” for instance, which flips your screen and forces you to control the race upside-down. Compared to the rest of the game this is good solid fun, especially as Challenge Mode is playable with four people over Wi-Fi. As well as straight-up racing there’s also Eliminator - last place is ditched every lap - and Survivor with time-extending checkpoints - to vary things a little.

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DescriptionIn Hell all fighting is done using samey combos that look like they've been stolen from God of War.
US censor rating"Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)