Get your flirt on in Lumiose City

Fun fact: Back in my college days, I was a bartender. Yup, I can sling a drink and do a decent pour. It helped pay the bills and was a fascinating experiment in people watching. I would see couples on first dates, breakups, and some very awkward flirtations… and I mean really awkward. And the most painful interaction to observe was the terrible pick-up line. I would cringe every single time, I cringe thinking about it now.

But for some reason, this shirt just delights me. I adore the sheer, nerdy audacity of it. It conjures up images of the guy who would say it and the girl who would be captivated by it. Plus, you can get it in a variety of colors and styles. And as a Pokemaster and someone with TM87, it's something I would proudly wear.

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I'm an West Coast girl with a East Coast heart. I love Parappa, food challenges, kitties, knitting, and my expanding collection of vintage vinyl.