Get to know Days Gone's Drifter bike with this road-ready new trailer

Days Gone is continuing its video series with a new trailer all about the Drifter bike, your two-wheeled savior in a wilderness overrun by zombies and bandits. Last week, we got a tourist's look at the treacherous mountain regions you'll explore as the stern Deacon St. John, and now we've got more insights into how your bike will not only get you around, but frequently save - or improve - your life on the open, post-apocalyptic road.

Your Drifter may not be a living, breathing steed like The Witcher 3's Roach, but you'll learn to love it all the same. You'll need to take care of your bike if you hope to survive, keeping it topped off with fuel and repairing it when it gets run down. Unfortunately, bloodthirsty marauders are just as desperate for gas as you are, so be ready to take them out if you want any hope of continuing your journey. When night falls, the 'Freaker' hordes come out - so it's a good idea to tune up your bike during the day so that you can make a clean getaway when the undead swarm approaches.

By the looks of the trailer, the Drifter will be the only vehicle you can call your own in Days Gone - so it's fortunate that you can improve it over the course of the game. New parts added by friendly mechanics will offer some visual variation, but they also improve the Drifter's durability so you can scrape metal during high-speed firefights with hostile bikers. Engine upgrades and nitrous boosters will up your speed, while saddlebag modifications give you extra room for additional ammo. And crucially, the Drifter acts as a spawn point should you meet an untimely demise - like when Deacon gets chewed to shreds by a barbed-wire-covered bear in the trailer.

Fast travel between claimed safehouses will be an option once you've cleared out zombie infestation zones, but it seems like you might get so attached to your Drifter that you ride it everywhere for the sheer thrill of the wind in your face and the mud splattered on any Freakers in your wake. We're sure to get more trailers with additional Days Gone insights before this PS4 exclusive launches on April 24.

With 500 Freakers all hungry for your flesh, Days Gone's Horde levels are hardcore AF. 

Lucas Sullivan

Lucas Sullivan is the former US Managing Editor of 12DOVE. Lucas spent seven years working for GR, starting as an Associate Editor in 2012 before climbing the ranks. He left us in 2019 to pursue a career path on the other side of the fence, joining 2K Games as a Global Content Manager. Lucas doesn't get to write about games like Borderlands and Mafia anymore, but he does get to help make and market them.