Get ready for dragons to wreck your s**t in Elder Scrolls Online

I hope your favorite Elder Scrolls Online character has fireproof pants on, because dragons are finally coming to the MMO. Zenimax Online Studios just hit us with its 2019 plans on Twitch, and damn they've been busy. There's a new chapter, necromancers, and a storyline - The Season of the Dragon - that will stretch across the whole year to tie all the big updates together. 

The next big chapter for the game is Elsweyr, the home of the Elder Scrolls universe's much loved Khajiit. It'll be out on June 4, will add a new necromancer class, and Zenimax Online Studios promises it's the biggest chapter yet. "The home of the Khajiit is laden with moon sugar farms, fertile grasslands, scorching deserts, and palatial cities as well as a host of new monsters and enemies," says Zenimax Online Studios.

Summerset, the last chapter addition, felt like a whole game on its own, so the idea of even more content is enough to get mission pigs like me weak at the hammy knees. We can expect at least 30 hours of new story quests, a massive new chunk of map to explore, Sunspire, the new player trial, and new Dragon Attacks world events.

That's right, when you arrive in Elsweyr you'll have to deal with the great dragon Kaalgrontiid and his chums, who are pretty set on turning the cat people's home into charcoal. 

"Dragons are coming to ESO for the first time, and it will take every hero of Tamriel to conquer the winged menace," say the Zenimax Online Studios folks, which suggests you won't be so much going one on one with them, Skyrim style, but banding together with your online comrades. The dragons' arrival will be part of The Season of the Dragon, which will stretch right through 2019, through every one of the four updates - the Wrathstone DLC dungeon pack, Elsweyr, a Q3 DLC dungeon pack, and the unrevealed Q4 story DLC - something the game has never done before. For story fans it'll be interesting experiment, for the developers it's smart move, because it makes it hard to skip any of the content. 

As for that Necromancer class? "Death itself is a weapon," apparently. "With this dark, mysterious Class, players will command the dead and cast powerful elemental spells to overcome foes and bolster defenses." Army of adorable skeletons here I come. 

The Elder Scrolls 6 release date is still a long way off, but here's all the news about what could be in store for Bethesda's ginormous RPG.

Rachel Weber
Managing Editor, US

Rachel Weber is the US Managing Editor of 12DOVE and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She joined 12DOVE in 2017, revitalizing the news coverage and building new processes and strategies for the US team.