Gears of War Judgment release date announced at Comic-Con

During a Gears of War panel during the San Diego Comic Con, Epic Games revealed an official release date for its upcoming prequel, Gears of War: Judgment. While we were all pulling for a surprise “It's out now and under your chairs!” we'll need to wait a little longer before we jump into the young, handsome, intelligent boots of Damian Baird.

We'll all be able to get our hands on Judgment next year, on March 19, 2013. Yep, that's right, another March release. Man, the first few months of 2013 are going to take a lancer to our wallets.

During the Q&A, they were also asked if the game would have dedicated servers, as Gears of War 3 did. Thankfully, someone from Microsoft was on hand, and they were able to confirm that it will, indeed, have dedicated servers.

We 're going to keep checking under our chairs for copies, though, you never know. Stay tuned.

Hollander Cooper

Hollander Cooper was the Lead Features Editor of 12DOVE between 2011 and 2014. After that lengthy stint managing GR's editorial calendar he moved behind the curtain and into the video game industry itself, working as social media manager for EA and as a communications lead at Riot Games. Hollander is currently stationed at Apple as an organic social lead for the App Store and Apple Arcade.