Gears of War 3 campaign teaser trailer has precious seconds of story info

It looks like Epic isn%26rsquo;t waiting for E3 to start talking about the campaign in Gears of War 3. After everyone enjoyed a preview of the title duringthe just closed multiplayer beta, some may have forgotten about thecampaign which promises to conclude the tale of Marcus Fenix and his squad of meat tanks. A fuller trailer is coming May 28, but here%26rsquo;s the tiniest of tastes of what that futurefootage has in store:

Players of Gears won%26rsquo;t be too surprised that the game will focus at least partially on Marcus searching for his presumed-dead father, especially considering the post-credits communication from the senior Fenix at the end of the last game. The rest of the trailer will go live May 28 at 9:45 PM GMT, which is 5:45 PM Eastern, 2:45 PM Pacific.

May 28, 2011

Players of Gears won%26rsquo;t be too surprised that the game will focus at least partially on Marcus searching for his presumed-dead father, especially considering the post-credits communication from the senior Fenix at the end of the last game. The rest of the trailer will go live May 28 at 9:45 PM GMT, which is 5:45 PM Eastern, 2:45 PM Pacific.

May 28, 2011

Players of Gears won%26rsquo;t be too surprised that the game will focus at least partially on Marcus searching for his presumed-dead father, especially considering the post-credits communication from the senior Fenix at the end of the last game. The rest of the trailer will go live May 28 at 9:45 PM GMT, which is 5:45 PM Eastern, 2:45 PM Pacific.

May 28, 2011

Players of Gears won%26rsquo;t be too surprised that the game will focus at least partially on Marcus searching for his presumed-dead father, especially considering the post-credits communication from the senior Fenix at the end of the last game. The rest of the trailer will go live May 28 at 9:45 PM GMT, which is 5:45 PM Eastern, 2:45 PM Pacific.

May 28, 2011

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.