Gargoyles is the next classic Disney game getting a remaster

(Image credit: Disney)

In amongst the huge announcements this weekend comes confirmation that 90s platformer Garygoyles is getting the remaster treatment.

Sandwiched in the middle of the Disney & Marvel Games Showcase with very little fanfare, Disney confirmed that Empty Clip would be working to "bring back another classic game, Gargoyles Remastered".

Described as a "fan-favorite that's sure to have you screaming like a Viking yeeted by Goliath", the original game – a 2D Castlevania-esque action platformer – loosely followed the plot of the show and released almost thirty(!) years ago in 1995. It joins other classics like The Lion King and Aladdin in getting a remaster several decades after its original release.

We don't have a release date – right now, Disney will only say that "while you'll have to wait to climb back into the world of Gargoyles Remastered" – but a later press release confirmed that the classic 90s platformer will be coming to "modern consoles and PC with updated visuals and controls" (thanks, PC Gamer).

In other news fresh from D23, the heavily-rumored Iron Man game may not have made an appearance, but industry insider Jeff Grubb reckons it's still on the way.

"This is the other game I was talking about when we went over the Black Panther stuff," he tweeted once the showcase was done. "You shouldn't have to wait much longer to hear about it, but you will have to wait to play it. Although it's coming before Black Panther.

"Motive is doing Iron Man after Dead Space [remake]," he added in a subsequent tweet. "A team of former Shadow of Mordor devs will make Black Panther."

And did you catch the news that a brand-new 2D "cooperative adventure Mickey Mouse platformer" is on the way exclusively to Nintendo Switch – Disney Illusion Island?

Though based on a canceled project from 2016, Disney said that whilst it wasn't "exactly the same game" it was being developed by the same studio, Dlala, and will feature "the same characters". 

There's still a lot to get excited about in gaming this year. Here are the upcoming games of 2022 we really just can't wait for.

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.