GameStop is telling customers Last Guardian is cancelled, but Sony says its not true

We’ve been worried about Last Guardian for months now. It skipped E3 and Tokyo Game Show, and the game’s director continues to work on the game, but has quit Sony. But we’d never thought it’d be cancelled, that is until a friendly phone robot from GameStop told people the game wasn’t coming out. However, don’t panic and let this add to your already mounting holiday stress, the perpetually delayed title is still coming no matter what the mega-retailer says.

Just hours ago people were popping up all over the internet saying they’d received calls from GameStop that The Last Guardian (and the customer’s preorder of the game) had been cancelled. You can hear one of those automated calls here. It’s easy to understand people believing a huge corporation like Stop saying a vendor had cancelled a game, but fortunately Sony was quick to clarify things

According to a Sony representative, Sony is very clear on Last Guardian still existing in this quote: “It's not true. The game is still in development, it hasn't been cancelled.” And that’s clear enough for us. We’ll mark this down to either a technical malfunction with GameStop’s computerized calls, or them getting incorrect information from this “vendor” person. Either way, if you get a call from GameStop today about Last Guardian, please don’t do anything drastic, as everything’s fine (except for the fact Guardian has no real release date).

UPDATE: GameStop has now issued a statement taking responsibility for the goof. Here's what they wrote:

""The Last Guardian has not been cancelled by Sony as we incorrectly stated in an automated call to reservation customers. Because the game did not have a specific release date, GameStop made the decision to remove the game from our system. The Last Guardian will be reinstated for pre-order when a firm launch date is known."

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.