GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up #3 - Games meet... TV shows
Great gaming puns made real. Ish

Games vs TV shows
Hello and welcome back to a semi-regular feature we like to call GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up. Over the next few pages we've taken a bunch of game-based puns--in this instance, they're all about TV shows--and used our crazy Photoshop skills to tinker with existing box art and make them a reality. We've even included a few words on our creative process too.
Sadly, some didn't make the cut. We didn't think the likes of 30 Rock Band, Super Meat Boy Meets World, or Total Wipeout 2048 were quite as strong. If you like what we've done here, please let us know in the comments and we'll make more. For now, though, enjoy--and if you want to get a closer look at our masterful work, just click on the top right of the images to enlarge them.
Want more Photoshop Mash-ups? Here is our entry on Games vs Food, and here is our entry on Games vs Clothes. Enjoy.

Breaking Bad Dudes
Inspired by Bad Dudes. Let's face it--Walter and Jesse are already bad dudes, so this is a perfect fit. In terms of which Walt to pick, we had to go for Heisenberg...

My So-Called Half-Life
Inspired by Half-Life. We tried to imagine how different the events at Black Mesa would be if seen through the eyes of a moody teenage girl. We reckon there would be less crow-barring people's faces in, and more musing about why boys don't like our hair.

Army of Two and a Half Men
Inspired by Army of Two. It isn't a Photoshop feature without an Army of Two pun. We reckon this Sheen-lead version would feature Tiger Blood pick-ups, a level set on the set of Oprah, and the word 'Winning' flashing on screen every time you make a kill.

Return to Takeshi's Castle Wolfenstein
Inspired by Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Despite his rigorous military training, and extensive experience fighting undead Nazis, we reckon even Sergeant B J Blazkowicz would have trouble winning that game at the end of Takeshi's Castle with the water-cannon cars.

The Big Bangai-o Theory
Inspired by Bangai-o. In a break from the normal Bangai-o action, new character Leonard makes a duff attempt to win back Penny, while Sheldon succeeds in making himself a robot. There are also jokes about Raj and Howard being a married couple.

Sabrina The Teenage Witcher
Inspired by The Witcher 2. Geralt is tired, old, and he just wants a quiet life. So he hands his monster-slaying, assassin-catching, witching duties to a spunky teenager with a wise-cracking cat. Hilarity ensues.

Sex and the Operation Raccoon City
Inspired by Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. Oh no! What have those glamorous girls got themselves into!? Mistaken for a dessicated old zombie, Carrie is taken hostage by the Umbrella Security Squad, but is soon released when the team grow tired of her gushing monologues about Mr Big. Rampant cougar, Samantha, spends the whole game ruthlessly pursuing Leon S Kennedy for sex, making Nemesis look like a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. The other two have story-lines too, but they're just filler.

Jak & Dexter
Inspired by Jak & Daxter. The pair set off on another crazy platforming adventure, although Jak becomes concerned when his partner begins to wrap up Lurker enemies in plastic and stab them through the heart. Contains bonus levels where you need to dump body parts off the side of The Slice of Life, without being accused of being the Bay Harbor Butcher.

Dynasty Warriors
Inspired by, er, Dynasty Warriors. In this inexplicably violent reunion episode, the Carringtons decide to bring the pain to Denver by arming themselves to the teeth with samurai weapons, and fighting off endless waves of business rivals. We would totally watch this episode, by the way. Are you listening ABC?

Enslaved By The Bell
Inspired by Enslaved. In a post apocalyptic future, the gang still haven't graduated--largely because at no point in the TV show do any of them actually do any work. Belding takes to leading Screech around like a pet, while Zack and Kelly form their own tribe, ousting Jessie and--after months without food--cooking and eating AC Slater.

Now it's your turn...
So, you've seen what we've created. You've likely sighed at the awful puns, and thought you could do much better. Well, we'd love you to get involved. Why not create your own TV-based gaming puns and show them to us via Twitter. If you're not familiar with Photoshop, just let us know your Games vs TV Show puns in the comments below.
Want to see more episodes in this series? Why not check out our first Mash-up, which shows Games vs Food. Alternatively switch to a different channel for our Games vs Clothes feature. The puns never get any better, by the way...