How to use Amorphous Material in The First Descendant

The First Descendant Amorphous Material
(Image credit: Nexon)

The First Descendant Amorphous Material is one of the most important resources in the game for researching new characters and options back in Albion, but actually working out how it works as a system is less than clear. Players will likely have some sort of Amorphous Material in their inventory after playing for a while, but if you're new to The First Descendant, you might be struggling to work out how to turn it into anything useful. If you need Amorphous Material explained, our guide will cover all the details below.

What to do with Amorphous Material in The First Descendant

The First Descendant Amorphous Material

(Image credit: Nexon)

If you have Amorphous Material in The First Descendant, you need to convert it into usable resources for research, done through Reconstructed Devices. The process is basically as follows:

  1. Complete missions for a chance to earn Amorphous Material as a reward.
  2. Complete other missions to access specific Reconstructed Devices.
  3. Use the Reconstructed Devices to convert/open the Amorphous Material into researchable Blueprints.
  4. Research the Blueprints back at Albion to earn new characters/weapons/rewards.

This process sounds a lot simpler than it is, especially if you have a specific research target in mind and are trying to access it as quickly as possible. The best thing we can recommend is to check the Acquisition Info and Linked Reconstruction Device info shown in the menus attached to both research targets and the Amorphous Material when you get it, as these provide your next targets.

How to open Amorphous Material

The First Descendant Amorphous Material

(Image credit: Nexon)

Amorphous Material, as mentioned, requires a Reconstructed Device. Players are given access to these devices at the end of certain missions and boss fights, but Amorphous Material requires a specific kind of Reconstructed Device, depending on its pattern - not any one will do.

When you have Amorphous Material in your inventory, go into the Consumable menu and check the Material Pattern. There'll be an option to open the sub-menu "Linked Reconstructed Device Info" - from there, it'll tell you what mission or boss you need to beat to access the correct device.

These missions are usually either Void Fusion Reactors - which unlock when you break enough of The First Descendant Void Fragments - or the Void Intercepts, the major boss fights accessible through the main map screen, such as the Grave Walker and Stunning Beauty.

The First Descendant Amorphous Material

(Image credit: Nexon)

When you complete these missions, the Reconstructed Device (a green globe in some sort of metal brace) will appear nearby. You can interact with it and use it once to convert/open a single piece of compatible Amorphous Material. What it turns into is randomised, with different blueprints tied to different Material Patterns with different percentages of success.

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission

Joel Franey
Guides Writer

Joel Franey is a writer, journalist, podcaster and raconteur with a Masters from Sussex University, none of which has actually equipped him for anything in real life. As a result he chooses to spend most of his time playing video games, reading old books and ingesting chemically-risky levels of caffeine. He is a firm believer that the vast majority of games would be improved by adding a grappling hook, and if they already have one, they should probably add another just to be safe. You can find old work of his at USgamer, Gfinity, Eurogamer and more besides.