Emergency Helldivers 2 hotfix addresses a nasty Major Order bug, so we can all go back to spaghettifying an entire planet

Helldivers 2
(Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios)

A Helldivers 2 bug - a software bug, not a Terminid - that was stopping players from completing the ongoing Major Order has been squashed in today's emergency hotfix, meaning we can go back to spaghettifying an entire planet. 

Helldivers 2's current Major Order is putting players to work to quite literally blow up an entire planet, the buggy super colony Meridia, using the experimental Dark Fluid substance that accidentally "spaghettified" in-game citizens last week. High Command deemed Meridia beyond saving and called the destructive mission a necessary "tragedy."  

Obliterating the giant bug nest proved to be abnormally cruel and difficult - for us and the bugs - but not in the 'git gud' sense. A prominent bug caused enemy swarms to spawn directly under critical mission objectives - most notably the drills - both destroying the objective and rendering some missions practically impossible. Other players complained about a problem that spawned floods of enemies, even on the easiest Trivial difficulty option.

Unusually aggressive Terminids were naturally expected since the poor buggers on Meridia are literally facing extinction, but the bug swarm density and their proximity to crucial objectives was anything but natural.

An emergency hotfix has now cleared up the issue. Developer Arrowhead Game Studios has "pushed out an emergency hotfix to address enemies spawning on the drill in the current Major Order," community manager Baskinator announced on the game's main subreddit. Helldivers, resume the spaghettification of Meridia at once. 

The community manager also explained more about why the studio "slowed down our cadence for patches," pointing to the "physical and mental health of the team" as one reason. More time in between updates also lets the team create "more impactful updates and a more enjoyable game experience," while hopefully reversing the weapon nerfs that somewhat stripped the fun out of Helldiver's cool sandbox. The next patch is now coming in "second week of June" - two weeks from now.

Elsewhere, the Helldivers 2 director revealed the studio once made a prototyped for a Star War: TIE Fighter successor.

Freelance contributor

Kaan freelances for various websites including Rock Paper Shotgun, Eurogamer, and this one, Gamesradar. He particularly enjoys writing about spooky indies, throwback RPGs, and anything that's vaguely silly. Also has an English Literature and Film Studies degree that he'll soon forget.