As Nintendo moves on from Tears of the Kingdom, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom beats both Doom: The Dark Ages and Gears of War as this summer's most wishlisted game

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom screenshot showing princess Zelda, a blonde woman with elf-like ears, trapped in a sheer magenta crystal
(Image credit: Nintendo)

Echoes of Wisdom is gearing up to be another big Legend of Zelda release, with Nintendo's upcoming game reportedly already dominating charts as this summer's most wishlisted reveal.

It's a wonderful time to be a Zelda stan, with last year's monumental Tears of the Kingdom release and now the upcoming Echoes of Wisdom launch. Nintendo's new entry in the iconic series marks the arrival of the first-ever Zelda game to feature the titular princess as its main, playable protagonist - a massive deal for the 38-year-old franchise. As soon as I saw its trailer during the recent Nintendo Direct, Echoes of Wisdom zoomed to the top of my wishlist - and it looks like I'm not alone there.

According to the latest data from IGN Playlist, a handy game activity and backlog tracker, the soon-to-release Zelda entry was the most wishlisted game this past month - highlighting it as one of the most wanted titles following this season's big reveal showcases like the Summer Game Fest. Bethesda's Doom: The Dark Ages comes in second behind Echoes of Wisdom, with Sony's Astro Bot in third place and Gears of War: E-day in fourth. Prior to the Nintendo Direct, Astro Bot was the most wishlisted game.

Echoes of Wisdom isn't the only Nintendo game to make the roundup of top wishlisted titles from May 30 to June 23. As reported by, Mario & Luigi: Brothership appears in sixth place while the hotly anticipated Metroid Prime 4: Beyond sits in the 10th spot. Super Mario Party Jamboree is also there, showing up further down in the 19th position, while Donkey Kong Country Returns HD stands as the 24th most wishlisted game from the past four weeks. The future certainly seems bright for Nintendo - and I can't wait.

A year ago, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's first month outsold all of May 2024's best-selling games combined

Anna Koselke
Staff Writer

After spending years with her head in various fantastical realms' clouds, Anna studied English Literature and then Medieval History at the University of Edinburgh, going on to specialize in narrative design and video game journalism as a writer. She has written for various publications since her postgraduate studies, including Dexerto, Fanbyte, GameSpot, IGN, PCGamesN, and more. When she's not frantically trying to form words into coherent sentences, she's probably daydreaming about becoming a fairy druid and befriending every animal or she's spending a thousand (more) hours traversing the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3. If you spot her away from her PC, you'll always find Anna with a fantasy book, a handheld video game console of some sort, and a Tamagotchi or two on hand.