This cozy upcoming survival game reminds me a lot of Don't Starve - except it's about a little mouse hoping to restore their childhood woodland burrow

Winter Burrow art showing a a family of mice living in the stump of a tree, laundry hanging outside
(Image credit: Pine Creek Games)

Winter Burrow, one of the most adorable titles shown during this year's Summer Game Fest yet, debuted today - and it's a wholesome survival experience in which you play as a little mouse.

Noodlecake Studios and Pine Creek Games revealed their upcoming survival game, Winter Burrow, during today's Xbox Games Showcase - an emotional adventure that places you in the paws of a small mouse hoping to rebuild their childhood burrow and survive the harsh wintery winds. When the brave rodent journeys back to that old home, they sadly find it in ruins and discover that their aunt is missing.

Upon finally locating their aunt's whereabouts, a fearsome snow owl swoops down and chaos ensues once again. The blend of story and survival mechanics is certainly unique - the game's first trailer reminds me a lot of Don't Starve, in a much more whimsical, almost nostalgia-inducing way. It all plays like an open-world version of a touching childhood fable.

Not much else is known about Noodlecake Studios and Pine Creek Games' soon-to-come survival game, but the few details thus far are exciting. Winter Burrow's developers say that players will be able to do some cozy game essentials: "Explore, gather resources, bake pies, knit warm sweaters, and meet the locals!" It sounds like the protagonist mouse will have quite a bit to do outside of building and searching.

The adorable rodent and its home are also fully customizable, with the dev explaining that fans can "choose a path that fits your play style." The trailer features another big surprise, too - Winter Burrow isn't all that far away and is set to release early next year, dropping sometime in 2025. The indie gem is coming to both PC and Xbox and will also be available to play via a Game Pass subscription.

Check out these other exciting upcoming indie games while you wait.

Anna Koselke
Staff Writer

After spending years with her head in various fantastical realms' clouds, Anna studied English Literature and then Medieval History at the University of Edinburgh, going on to specialize in narrative design and video game journalism as a writer. She has written for various publications since her postgraduate studies, including Dexerto, Fanbyte, GameSpot, IGN, PCGamesN, and more. When she's not frantically trying to form words into coherent sentences, she's probably daydreaming about becoming a fairy druid and befriending every animal or she's spending a thousand (more) hours traversing the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3. If you spot her away from her PC, you'll always find Anna with a fantasy book, a handheld video game console of some sort, and a Tamagotchi or two on hand.