This new roguelike shooter from one of the lead Matrix animators is basically GTA with beans - and it's coming soon

Killer Bean screenshot showing a cartoon-like brown bean jumping mid-air while holding a grenade up in his right hand
(Image credit: Killer Bean Studios LLC)

In what is probably one of the most surreal Summer Game Fest showcases yet, a Grand Theft Auto-esque roguelike shooter all about beans was unveiled - and it's called Killer Bean.

Despite its silly premise, Killer Bean is no stranger to skilled developers - in fact, the mastermind animator behind bangers like The Matrix Reloaded and X-Men just so happens to be the upcoming roguelike's creator. In the soon-to-come shooter, you play as Killer Bean himself, a coffee bean by day and a rogue assassin by night. The game's story alternates each time you start a new campaign, placing you in new locations with fresh missions to take on.

To mix things up and make them all the more chaotic, your bean's friends may just become foes in your next run while his former enemies might prove helpful. As the developer says, "No two campaigns are the same." In true roguelike fashion, pretty much everything is also procedurally generated. There are also tons of vehicles and weapons to snag - in case you can't wait for GTA 6 and wouldn't mind a bean-themed alternative.

You won't have to wait long to shoot down enemy beans Neo-style, either. As seen in the new trailer today, Killer Bean is set to release sometime this summer in early access on Steam.

Itching for something to play? Check out the best roguelikes available right now.

Anna Koselke
Staff Writer

After spending years with her head in various fantastical realms' clouds, Anna studied English Literature and then Medieval History at the University of Edinburgh, going on to specialize in narrative design and video game journalism as a writer. She has written for various publications since her postgraduate studies, including Dexerto, Fanbyte, GameSpot, IGN, PCGamesN, and more. When she's not frantically trying to form words into coherent sentences, she's probably daydreaming about becoming a fairy druid and befriending every animal or she's spending a thousand (more) hours traversing the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3. If you spot her away from her PC, you'll always find Anna with a fantasy book, a handheld video game console of some sort, and a Tamagotchi or two on hand.