Monster Hunter Wilds: Everything we know so far about Capcom's new game

Monster Hunter Wilds: a screenshot of a hunter shooting at a Doshaguma during the trailer for the upcoming game, Monster Hunter Wilds.
(Image credit: Capcom)

Monster Hunter Wilds is set to be another blockbuster entry in Capcom’s ongoing franchise, the follow-up to the record-breaking Monster Hunter World. Considering this is the successor to Capcom’s best-selling game of all time, there’s heightened anticipation for Monster Hunter Wilds, and it's easily at the top of our list for one of the most exciting new games heading our way next year.

Right now, we've seen several trailers for the new Monster Hunter game, most recently at the September PlayStation State of Play live show and Gamescom Opening Night Live 2024. The teasers have shown us stunning environments, massive beasts, and even some new cooking mechanics! So, yeah, while the game might be a few months away, there's still plenty of exciting news out there.

So, as we get ready for one of the most promising upcoming PS5 games, here's everything you need to know about the Monster Hunter Wilds release date, gameplay, trailers, and more. 

Monster Hunter Wilds release date 

Monster Hunter Wilds: A hunter riding a Seikret.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Monster Hunter Wilds will be released on February 28, 2025. This long-awaited news came our way during the PlayStation State of Play live show on September 24, 2024.

During the presentation, it was also announced that pre-orders are already live for the upcoming game. So, the above release date is pretty much set in stone at this point. It also confirms Capcom's preference for early-year releases since Wilds' predecessor, Monster Hunter World, came out on January 26, 2018.

Monster Hunter Wilds platforms 

Monster Hunter Wilds: a Seikret flying in a night's sky with a hunter on its back.

(Image credit: Capcom)

What's great about Monster Hunter Wilds is that it'll be released across all platforms simultaneously - PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S systems

This might not be a huge change from Monster Hunter World, which similarly arrived across all platforms at once. Still, it is a pleasant change from the more recent Monster Hunter Rise, which began life as a Nintendo Switch exclusive before hitting console and PC systems. 

Everyone should get the chance to play the latest entry to the franchise behind some of the best RPG games of all time. So this platform news is music to our gamer ears. 

Monster Hunter Wilds trailers 

Monster Hunter Wilds: 4th Trailer | Release Date Reveal - YouTube Monster Hunter Wilds: 4th Trailer | Release Date Reveal - YouTube
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The latest Monster Hunter Wilds trailer came during the September PlayStation State of Play, which you can see for yourself above. In the clip, we see at least three new beasts, including the Arkveld, also called "The White Wraith" in-game. It looks like the game's plot will be closely tied to the Arkveld as we learn more about the species previously thought to be extinct. 

A Monster Hunter Wilds trailer was also shown a few months ago during Gamescom Opening Night Live 2024, and was similarly packed with thrills and giant beasts. In the clip from Gamescom, we get to see some new bosses who are equally stunning as they are terrifying. The big standout (that will have all you arachnophobes running) is the massive spider, Lala Barina, and her beautiful nest in the Scarlet Forest.

The trailer features plenty of other beasts and environments that are just as impressive as our new spider overlord, but let's be honest: Lala Barina steals the show here. We also get to see some new cooking animations for our hunters, and it looks like we can now whip up six steaks in one go. Neat!

Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay 

Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer | PS5 Games - YouTube Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer | PS5 Games - YouTube
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As for Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay, the trailer from the previous PlayStation's State of Play showcase gave us some more gameplay details. Along with the cooking and spider boss reveal from Gamescom, the most prominent new feature in the PlayStation trailer above is the new mounts, called Seikrets.

These mounts ferry our hunters around all the different and harsh-looking environments in the game's world. Their sense of smell can actually lead hunters straight to targets, which is a potential game-changer for how we track down monsters. But that's not all - Seikrets can actually carry a weapon for the hunter. 

You can see footage of a hunter switching their primary weapon while atop the mount in the trailer, which is a massive new feature for Monster Hunter Wilds. Now we can change out our weapon, like switching Dual Blades to a Charge Blade, without having to head all the way back to our base camp. 

Another big new feature is changing weather conditions. Weather can change while you’re out in the middle of a mission - it might go from bright sunshine one minute to chucking it down with rain the next. This is a brand new feature for a Monster Hunter game, and it’ll also change how individual monsters act. 

During the most recent PlayStation State of Play live-show trailer, we also spotted at least three new monsters and learned more about the game's plot. It seems like Monster Hunter Wilds' narrative will center around a young boy and his relationship with a mythical beast known as the White Wraith. 

Monster Hunter Wilds monsters  

Let's address one hot topic: the beasties themselves. Monster Hunter fans always love to know which creatures a new game features (and which one a game leaves out), so just below, you’ll find a complete list of all the monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds that we’ve been able to confirm so far. 

A screenshot of the monster Arkveld during Monster Hunter Wilds.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Arkveld - Also known as the White Wraith, here is a beast that had previously been thought to be extinct. Close to everything about the Arkveld is a mystery, however we know its dangerous thanks to the chain-like appendages on its wings. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: a Doshaguma

(Image credit: Capcom)

Doshaguma - This fearsome new foe is strong and muscular, and looks like it boasts an incredibly tough hide to match its fearsome fangs. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: a Chatacabra

(Image credit: Capcom)

Chatacabra - This amphibian uses its saliva, of all things, to attach rocks and other materials to its skin and form a protective armor-like shield. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: a Ceratonoth

(Image credit: Capcom)

Ceratonoth - The male version of these herbivores catch lightning from the sky with the huge horns atop their back, and release it on the ground in a wide discharge to protect their herd. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: a Dalthydon

(Image credit: Capcom)

Dalthydon - Another herbivore creature, this lot have big hard shells right at the front of their heads, and will batter anyone who poses any threat. 

A screenshot of Lala Barina in the new game Monster Hunter Wilds.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Lala Barina - Here is one of the fanciest new temnocerans in the game. Found in the Scarlet Forest, Lala Barinas spin red glowing silk which they use as a weapon and for locomotion.

A screenshot of the monster Rey Dau in the game Monster Hunter Wilds.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Rey Dau - This is an apex predator and a flying Wyvern from the Windward Plains. Most often sighted during storms it discharge electricity during attacks and is a high level threat to all hunters. 

A screenshot of the monster Uth Duna in the game Monster Hunter Wilds.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Uth Duna - Here is a Leviathan that rules the Scarlet Forest. It can be found during downpours but be warned as it has a highly defensive ability. Using the moisture from its environment and its own bodily fluids, it can create a protective veil around itself. 

Monster Hunter Wilds characters  

Alright, time to meet the newcomers we'll be adventuring around with once Monster Hunter Wilds releases in February 2025.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Alma

(Image credit: Capcom)

Alma - The role of the Handler in Monster Hunter Wilds will be filled by Alma, a guild-appointed individual who’ll help us while we’re out in the field.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Gemma

(Image credit: Capcom)

Gemma - Meet Gemma, our new smithy for Monster Hunter Wilds. Be prepared to spend a hell of a lot of time with our new smithy in Capcom’s new game, crafting and tinkering with armor and weapons. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: Nata

(Image credit: Capcom)

Nata - Finally for characters, we have Nata. We don't have much information about this new kid right now, but Capcom’s post on the PlayStation Blog says they’ll play a "key role" in Monster Hunter Wilds' story.  

See what other adventures await with our roundups of all the upcoming Xbox Series X games and new PC games heading our way. 

Hirun Cryer

Hirun Cryer is a freelance reporter and writer with Gamesradar+ based out of U.K. After earning a degree in American History specializing in journalism, cinema, literature, and history, he stepped into the games writing world, with a focus on shooters, indie games, and RPGs, and has since been the recipient of the MCV 30 Under 30 award for 2021. In his spare time he freelances with other outlets around the industry, practices Japanese, and enjoys contemporary manga and anime.

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