Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the biggest CoD game ever at launch with over 300GB of space needed on Xbox Series X/S

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 screenshot
(Image credit: Activision)

Prepare your consoles, because Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is going to take up over 300GB of storage space on day one.

As per the Xbox Store, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is going to weight in at 309.85GB on Xbox Series X/S consoles at launch later this year. That's the biggest Call of Duty game to date - at launch, at least, before this game inevitably balloons to another hundred GBs later on.

By now, we're pretty used to games taking up over 100GB of storage space at launch. I'd argue that Call of Duty fans are even more used to typically larger games like this, given Warzone's extensive update history, which eventually put the game north of 300GB for many players on different systems.

Even given this, though, Black Ops 6 weighing in at over 300GB at launch is pretty astounding, especially when you consider how the game is only going to get exponentially bigger as time draws on, considering the rapid rate of patches and updates for Call of Duty games.

In other words, make sure you've got a decent hard drive attached to your console or PC later this year when Black Ops 6 launches on October 25 - you're going to need it.

Read up on our report on everything announced at the Xbox Games Showcase for a full look at all the other major announcements and reveals out of the presentation.

You can also take a look at our upcoming Xbox Series X games guide for an overview of all the exclusives Xbox currently has on the horizon.

Hirun Cryer

Hirun Cryer is a freelance reporter and writer with Gamesradar+ based out of U.K. After earning a degree in American History specializing in journalism, cinema, literature, and history, he stepped into the games writing world, with a focus on shooters, indie games, and RPGs, and has since been the recipient of the MCV 30 Under 30 award for 2021. In his spare time he freelances with other outlets around the industry, practices Japanese, and enjoys contemporary manga and anime.