How to solve the Crow Country swan boat puzzle and a whole lot more

Crow Country sawn boat puzzle
(Image credit: SFB Games)

The Crow Country swan puzzle is the first you find, with swan boats and talk of an egg to fix the broken ride. However, despite being literally the first challenge you encounter in the game, you won't be able to solve it for a while and ultimately open a door way, way later in the game. 

There are actually five puzzles in all -  a crypt puzzle, a clock puzzle, and a dig site puzzle that will finally solve the swan boat puzzle which will, in turn, eventually open the Witchwood door in Haunted Hills. Phew

So if you want to know how to fix the swan ride in Crow Country and what it does, here is the whole process laid out and what it eventually gets you.  

Crow Country swan boat puzzle solution

Crow Country swan boat puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

The Crow Country swan boat puzzle is pretty much the first thing you find to solve once you enter the theme park properly. There's a broken boat ride, a broken swan head on the floor, a gap in the fence that lets you reach the water, and a few notes that explain you need an egg, or egg like object, to fix things. 

However, to actually solve this you'll need to progress much further into the game. So if you haven't already you'll first need the fairy tree lady code and phrase to get past her and grab the Crow Country bronze key. That will get you into the Haunted Hilltop area accessed with the bronze key, where you'll then need to reach the crypt here:  

Crow Country crypt location

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Crow Country Crypt puzzle

Crow Country crypt puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Inside the crypt you'll be able to open up a way to the utility corridor once you solve a puzzle involving gravestones and a compass. Don't worry about the shotgun, it's a decoy. 

The trick to solving the Crow Country gravestone puzzle is to take the initials of all the names and convert it into compass directions: 

  • Solomon Weselby - South West
  • Norbert Easley - North East
  • Soulina - South
  • Estelle - East

Turn all the gravestones so that their noses match the direction of their name and you'll open up a way out. Just be wary that when you try to leave, a monster will appear and you'll have to kill them before you can move on. 

How to open the metal safe and get the crank in Crow Country

Crow Country safe combination

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Clearing the Crypt puzzle will get you into the utility corridor where you'll find a metal safe. A book next to the safe simply states 'The year Soulina died' which is 1872 and the combination you need to open the safe. This will get you the crank in Crow Country.

Now it's time to head back to the Haunted Hilltop area and the Haunted manor...

Crow Country haunted manor

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Crow Country clock puzzle

Crow Country clock puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

In the Haunted Hilltop, head to the Haunted Manor which you can get into by ringing the bell five times. There's a lot in here but all we need for now is the painting with two clocks either side. 

The painting says 'Adrammelech the Undying. Blamed for many deaths between 1020 and 1115'. That gives us the times we need to set the clock to: 10.20 on the left and 11.15 on the right, so use the crank to set the times for each. 

Once the times are set a red gemstone will appear from the painting's mouth. This is what we need to finally solve the Swan boat puzzle, so go back there now. 

Crow Country puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

When you get back to the swan boats, you'll be able to place the red gemstone in the swan's mouth. This will now let you drive the swan boat, so accelerate and steer it towards the gap in the fence to the left. When it gets there you'll be able to take the chain off the swan's neck. But what is it for? Well, we've come this far so let's see this whole thing through - time to head to the dig site:

Crow Country dig site

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Crow Country dig site puzzle

Crow Country dig site puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

If you haven't already found the dig site you can use the Bronze Key we found above on the mail box of the tiny house to reach it. Inside you'll find a machine you can attach the chain to. However, before you can use that you'll need to use the crank handle from the safe on the pipe valve to flood the hole. Now you can use the machine to lift up whatever's down there.

When the large block is hoisted up, you can use the mounted weapon to melt it away (there should be some fuel nearby if you haven't got any on you). That will get you the Woeful mask which leads us to the last part of this long chain of puzzles at the Witchwood door: 

Crow Country Witchwood door

(Image credit: SFB Games)

How to open the Witchwood door in Crow Country

Crow Country puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

To open the Witchwood door in Crow Country you just have to place the Woeful mask in the indentation. However, if you've arrived straight here then you're going to have to work your way through everything above to get the mask you need. The open structure of the game means you can find this door once you have the bronze key and do a lot of other stuff elsewhere, but you'll have to follow all the steps above to finally get the mask you need to go inside.

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission 

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.