How to get the Crow Country fairy tree lady code and phrase

Crow Country fairy lady puzzle
(Image credit: SFB Games)

You'll find the Crow Country fairy tree lady within minutes of starting, but need a code number and password phrase to get past her that takes longer to work out. Fortunately, it doesn't much long after meeting her to get what you need, if you know where to look. I'll lay out its location below, and the steps you'll have to take to get it for yourself.

Crow Country fairy tree lady code and phrase location

Crow Country fairy lady puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

You'll find the fairy lady in Crow Country as you enter Fairytale Town. Initially she's facing away from you, with a number pad you won't know the code for. However, there's a far more pressing issue as, just beyond the fairy, is an injured man, Arthur. 

Crow Country arthur

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Crow Country fairy tree lady code

Talk to him and you'll take him safely back to your car. When you return you'll discover that he was sitting on a piece of paper that says Tree Lady 3184: 

Crow Country fairy lady code

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Obviously the tree lady and fairy are one and the same so use the number 3184 on the keypad to her left, which will spin her around to face you. 

However, now you need a find a specific phrase to use on the Tree Lady. That can be found here, in Crow's Lounge. So if you've not been there yet head there now. 

Crow Country fairy lady phrase location

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Crow Country fairy tree lady phrase

Crow Country fairy lady puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Check the notice board on the left of the Lounge and you should find a 'staff memo' with the message above written on it. Head back to the Crow Country fairy tree lady, change the text options to mirror that phrase, and she'll sink into the floor, letting you move on.

Crow Country fairy lady puzzle

(Image credit: SFB Games)

Inside you'll find another puzzler that will eventually get the Crow Country Bronze Key that will open a lot of doors as you explore further. Crucially, it'll open the way to the Haunted Hills area where you'll be able to complete several other puzzles that will finally get you what you need to solve the Crow Country Swan ride puzzle

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.