Lego Horizon Adventures puts Aloy in a wonderful co-op world later this year across, PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch

Lego Horizons Adventures
(Image credit: Sony)

Lego Horizon Adventures has finally been confirmed, and it launches later this year for PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch.

Announced earlier today at the Summer Game Fest 2024, Lego Horizon Adventures takes Aloy and transplants her to a wonderful Lego dimension. The trailer was brilliantly playful, giving Aloy a far less serious environment to shine in, and it sounds like she was having a blast.

Lego Horizon Adventures leaked online just recently, but there was still plenty of new information revealed about the game that we didn't know beforehand. For example, this game is specifically focused on two players joining forces, be that via online or couch-based co-op.

Obviously, Lego Horizon Adventures is inspired by the world that Guerrilla Games originally created back in 2017. We saw machines like the Thunderjaw being taken down by Aloy and her Lego companions, but right now, we don't yet know if this Lego adventure has its own unique storyline, separate from the main Guerrilla titles.

Also, it's worth noting Lego Horizon Adventures doesn't appear to be made by the original developer. It looks to be developed primarily by Keyword Studios, which is another obvious first for the PlayStation franchise.

Additionally, it's a day one launch later this year at some point across PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch, which is quite the surprise for a PlayStation-branded game, and one so front and center as Horizon at that. However, as of right now, we don't yet have a firm release date outside of fall 2024 for this new Aloy adventure.

Check out our Summer Game Fest Live Coverage for a complete look at all the announcements as they come in.

Hirun Cryer

Hirun Cryer is a freelance reporter and writer with Gamesradar+ based out of U.K. After earning a degree in American History specializing in journalism, cinema, literature, and history, he stepped into the games writing world, with a focus on shooters, indie games, and RPGs, and has since been the recipient of the MCV 30 Under 30 award for 2021. In his spare time he freelances with other outlets around the industry, practices Japanese, and enjoys contemporary manga and anime.