Games summed up in 5 words

The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass: Stylus for everything? Surprisingly fun.

Bomberman: Trapped in a corner. F**k.

Street Fighter: The Movie: Why is Guile Belgian again?

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Never trust a Sith Lord.

Condemned: FBI agent beats up hobos.

Tomb Raider: Find treasure, shoot monsters, grunt.

E.T.: Rectangular alien falls into holes.


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within: Godsmack, brooding ruin charming franchise.

Pro Wrestling: A winner is Great Puma!

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: The one with the jetpack.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Why won’t Tails stay dead?

Bionic Commando (remake): The arm is his wife!

Above: This joke will never get old

Left 4 Dead: What is that OH GOD

Half-Life: Nerd with crowbar smashes aliens.

BioShock 2: Underwater junkies hate drill hand.

Bejeweled: Red, green, yellow... five hours!?!?

Okami: Why didn’t you buy it?

Above: Whyyy

Ducktales: We’re going to the moooooon!

Peggle: Ode to Joy; effing unicorn!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: What the hell just happened?

Plants vs Zombies: The best kind of gardening

Genji: Days of the Blade: Giant enemy crabs; massive damage!

Ms. Pac-man: God, I hate thin people

Fallout 3: Wait, the president's a WHAT?

Gran Turisimo: You have to brake, moron.

Battletoads: Turbo Tunnel sure is fun!

Above: NO

Ninja Gaiden (NES): Hawks are deadlier that rockets.

Aero Fighters 2: Dolphin flies a fighter jet.

Twisted Metal: Your average LA drive-time commute.

Killer7: Awesome idea confined to rails.

Phoenix Wright: Anime lawyers pound tables; “OBJECTION!”

God Hand: Glowing super arm spanks women.

Conker's Bad Fur Day: Mom made a huge mistake.

Max Payne: Dead family means bullet time.

Portal: The cake is a lie.

Above: OR IS IT!?

Got some of your own? Share them with the world in the comments below.

Mar 11, 2010