Gameloft at peace with copycat reputation

If imitation truly isthe sincerest form of flattery, then the mobile game developers at Gameloft can be considered one of the videogame world's most prolific ass-kissers. Good as their games may be, there's no denying that Gameloft's app store empire is built on blatant copies of popular PC and console titles. Far from denying its cloning habit, however, a new interview with Gameloft's CEO Michel Guillemot reveals that the studio actually embraces its role as a harbinger of well-made iOS knock-offs. In fact, Guillemot argues thatthe company isdoing mobile gaming consumers a favor.

Speaking with IGNon the ups and downs of developing games for mobile platforms, Gameloft CEO Michel Guillemot defended the studio's practices, saying, “The video game industry has always played around a limited number of themes. There is maybe one new idea a year."

Above: Shadow Guardian (aka Uncharted)

Based on this philosophy, Guillemot explained that releasing games inspired by other populartitles is on par with what other developers are doing themselves,and that Gameloft'sissimplyfilling a demand for deep, high-quality gaming experiences on mobile devices.

"[Our games] are for people that are not hardcore but want an immersive experience," says Guillemot. “If a type of game is not available, then you should make it. The damaging thing is if you do a bad expression of a good idea."

Above: Hero of Sparta (aka God of War)

Still not a fan of Gameloft's MO? That may be too bad. Not only has Gameloft become one of the app stores most successful publishers, but the company recently inked adeal with Panasonicto pipe some its more popular games such as N.O.V.A (aka Halo) and Asphalt 5 (aka Gran Turismo) directly into Panasonic's future line of Viera Connect HDTVs. Gameloft may be one of the most blatantcopycats in the industry, but they're making a ton of coin doing it and they aren't aboutto stopanytime soon.

The complete interview, along with a few choice words for EA's app store strategy, can beread atIGN.

Jan 12, 2011

Gameloft planning Uncharted clone for iPhone/iPad
New iOS looks oddly familiar

Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.