George R.R. Martin teases eight more Game of Thrones spin-offs, but only one has been greenlit so far

House of the Dragon
(Image credit: HBO)

It is no secret that George R.R. Martin has been wanting to make more Game of Thrones spin-offs, and it looks like that just may be happening as the writer has made known that he has not one, not two but eight more shows up his sleeve. 

In a report by IGN, it was revealed that the novelist made the announcement at Festival Bang where he spoke about his upcoming novel The Winds of Winter, and the eight spin-off shows he has in the works, with the first being officially greenlit by HBO

"In television, we have the new show, House of the Dragon, which has just finished filming its second season, and we're going to be planning for the third season soon," Martin said, before revealing "But I also have like eight other spin-off shows that we're developing. The Dunk and Egg show has been greenlit. The others, not yet, but we're still working on them."

The greenlit series is titled A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight and is based on Martin’s string of novellas Tales of Dunk and Egg, which contain three stories: The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight. The stories are set 90 years before the events of Game of Thrones, and follow two men named Dunk, a hedge knight who eventually becomes Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and Egg, Dunk's squire who will one day rule Westeros as King Aegon V Targaryen. 

Martin did not confirm which of his other stories the remaining seven spin-offs would follow. However, some of his tales have already been rumored to be adapted such as The Sea Snake, Ten Thousand Ships, The Golden Empire, Flea Bottom, Aegon the Conqueror, and Snow, following Jon Snow’s story after the events of the Game of Thrones finale. 

For now, Throne fans at least have one definite spin-off to look forward to as House of the Dragon season 2 is well on the way and will begin in summer 2024. While you wait for more, check out our guide to the best TV shows of all time to fill out your watchlist. For more fantastical fun see our list of the greatest fantasy movies of all time. 

Editorial Associate, 12DOVE

I am an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for SFX and Total Film online. I have a Bachelors Degree in Media Production and Journalism and a Masters in Fashion Journalism from UAL. In the past I have written for local UK and US newspaper outlets such as the Portland Tribune and York Mix and worked in communications, before focusing on film and entertainment writing. I am a HUGE horror fan and in 2022 I created my very own single issue feminist horror magazine.