Fury Road director rumored for Man Of Steel 2

Versed in Superman lore after directing the Superman Lives documentary, Jon Schnepp has now dropped a tidbit of gossip concerning the next solo outing for Krypton's golden boy. On a recent episode of the Popcorn Talk podcast he reveals that George Miller is apparently attached to direct the next Man Of Steel movie:

"George Miller, he's doing Man of Steel 2," he announces confidently. "I don’t feel weird about breaking it. Obviously Zack Snyder is doing Justice League one and two, we've already got James Wan is doing Aquaman... I think George Miller’s a perfect choice to do Man of Steel 2. He’s going to bring so much to it."

Having steered Mad Max: Fury Road to glory for Warner Bros, and scoring tons of critical acclaim in the process, Miller is indeed a cracking candidate for the job. He's certainly schooled up on canon: he came within a hair's breadth of shooting Justice League Mortal for the studio back in 2008. While that never came to fruition, if he does bag the gig all of that hard work may not have been for nothing.

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Gem Seddon

Gem Seddon is 12DOVE's west coast Entertainment News Reporter, working to keep all of you updated on all of the latest and greatest movies and shows on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Outside of entertainment journalism, Gem can frequently be found writing about the alternative health and wellness industry, and obsessing over all things Aliens and Terminator on Twitter.