Front Mission 1st [import] review

But the real first mission was on SNES twelve years ago

12DOVE Verdict


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    Watching robotic parts go flying

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    Strategy elements feel right

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    Coliseum mode


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    Remake of 12 year-old game

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    Isometric view sucks

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    Stylus use is unnecessary

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For anyone getting disheartened with the slew of impenetrable Japanese language RPGs and action adventures, whose insurmountable and squiggly language barriers have you weeping katakana tears of frustration, fear not. While you’ll be scrolling through some screens of kanji dialogue between the stern-faced early-’90s action-style heroes of Front Mission 1st, every single drop-down menu command is written in English. Finally - an import game that’s actually importer-friendly.

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DescriptionSquare Enix remakes a classic strategy game for the DS.