Free PSP Mini with Episode 2 of FirstPlay

FirstPlay, Europe’s first on-console interactive show, available exclusively for Sony’s PlayStation 3, is celebrating its second weekly episode by teaming up with Gameshastra to give gamers a free PSP Mini game.

The game in question isD-Cube Planet, currently on-sale for £2.49. The action-puzzler is playable on either the PS3 or PlayStation Portable and sees gamers moving sliding blocks to recover an alien spaceship. Purchasing this episode of FirstPlay from the PlayStation Store will give you the entire game for free.

Above: D-Cube Planet isfree if you purchase Episode 2 of FirstPlay

Available every Thursday, FirstPlay delivers brand-new high definition video reviews and previews and much more. FirstPlay is delivered to your console for just 99p an episode, with money-saving 90-day subscriptions, costing £8.99.

Among the highlights from Episode Two is the definitive video review of Capcom’s Super Street Fighter IV, plus exclusive in-depth previews of both Disney’s Split Second: Velocity and Namco Bandai’s Dead to Rights: Retribution – revealing more than 3 minutes of each PS3 game in glorious HD.

Bringing gamers closer to the biggest PS3 releases, episode two’s interactive gallery function includes screenshots and artwork from Blur, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, Splatterhouse and Vanquish. Gamers can use each image as an XMB background wallpaper and also find out more about the game, thanks to the accompanying audio captions.

FirstPlay is published by Future Publishing, who also make GamesRadar.

14 Apr, 2010

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