Fortnite livestream reveals possible Star Wars, Doom, and Family Guy crossovers

Fortnite Peter Griffin
(Image credit: GamesRadar/Epic Games)

It looks like characters from Star Wars, Doom, and Family Guy could be making their way to Fortnite soon.

During an official Epic Games stream showcasing Unreal Engine 5, a quick pan to a look at an employee's dual-monitor setup revealed much more than the team likely meant to. 

Twitter user @polaqwym spotted a lengthy list of folders on a monitor screen, including mentions of Family Guy, Doom, and Star Wars in the form of "Family Guy", "Vader", and "Doom". The view isn't very clear, but it's easy to make out these three folders.

Other Twitter users pointed out additional references that could be seen on the screen, with a list of folders that likely contain assets from content already in the game: "Kratos", "Loki", "Master Chief", and "Morty" to name a few. 

It's quite possible that these mentions could lead to the addition of new characters or crossover events. There's the rumor that Epic Games purposefully added a Family Guy file to Fortnite's source files in a bid to troll data miners, and this may be related to that somehow. 

But if it's all true, we could have just seen our first tease of impending content for Fortnite, with characters potentially being pulled from the Family Guy and Doom universes, with a Vader cameo added in for good measure. 

Epic Games has always looked toward its fans with a wink and a smile. This is all likely a big marketing stunt, if we had to guess, but it's certainly getting fans riled up enough to start theorizing about what's next. And in the world of Fortnite, you never truly know what that might be. 

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