FlatOut 2 review

High-speed driving, lack of proper seatbelt usage and a giant dart board come together in this not-so-ordinary racer

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    Destroyable environments

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    Tons of tracks and mini-games

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    Online multiplayer


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    Frustrating handling

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    Laughable character bios

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    Lame soundtrack

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Reckless destruction and gross bodily harm are two things we’re fond of in our games and FlatOut 2 delivers plenty of both. The focus here isn’t so much on racing as it is on aggressive driving and destructible environments - cars will wreck, gas stations will explode and hordes of orange cones will go flipping through the air. And all this chaos runs surprisingly well, even on a system that meets only the minimum system requirements.

Tracks are littered with dangerous obstacles and brutal opponents who want to turn your vehicle inside out and speed is only secondary to your ability to stay on the course and bash the hell out of the other drivers. So, while hardcore racing fans may be put off by the imaginary cars, goofy characters and general silliness of it all, anyone who thinks busting through the inside of a mall with a supercharged pickup truck sounds like fun should be pleased.

More info

DescriptionA quirky racer with tons of content, FlatOut 2 serves up a feast of reckless destruction and disregard for bodily harm.
US censor rating"Mature","Mature","Mature"
UK censor rating"","",""
Associate Editor, Digital at PC Gamer