First live-action PS5 TV spot kicks off PlayStation's next-gen campaign

(Image credit: Sony)

The first official live action PS5 trailer has arrived, designed to "showcase some of the immersive gameplay you will experience on the new console."

Revealed in a new post on the PlayStation blog, Vice President of Global Marketing at Sony Mary Yee described the commercial as the "first global spot for PlayStation" and the PS5,  depicting "the new console’s features come to life through a young woman’s eyes and her movements."

Check it out below:

Sadly, there's no actual gameplay, but the trailer's very existence does suggest a major media blowout for the PS5 isn't too far away, especially with the console still scheduled to launch this Holiday 2020, alongside the Xbox Series X.

The new blog post also features quotes from a number of PS5 first and third party developers, from Horizon: Forbidden West's Guerrilla Games to Spider-Man PS5's Insomniac, explaining how the new technology of the hardware is allowing them to create more immersive experiences. 

Rumour has it that a digital PS5 event is "tentatively scheduled" for the later this month, and the arrival of today's trailer certainly suggests Sony has another marketing spree cooking for the console in the lead up to its release.

As always, we'll be sure to update you here on 12DOVE as soon as we learn anything more on the PS5, including news on the PS5 price, release date, and everything else you could want to know. 

For more, check out the biggest new games of 2020 on the way, or watch the video below for our latest episode of Dialogue Options. 

Alex Avard

I'm GamesRadar's Features Writer, which makes me responsible for gracing the internet with as many of my words as possible, including reviews, previews, interviews, and more. Lucky internet!