First generation 5 Pokemon revealed

Perfect catch

Kudos tothespeedgamers.comfor catching all 493 Pokemon in 72 hours in aid of a charity. Succeeding with a last-minute Bayleef to Maganium evolution, they raised $18,000.

Our World of Pokemon launches at the same time as the new-look Coincidence? Yes. Still, the new site celebrates its relaunch with a rerun of the first anime season.

Hey, big ears!

Own a US copy of D/P/P? In the US before February 14? Get thee to a Gamestop and download a Shiny Pichu. Trading Shiny Pichu into HG/SS will let you lure out Spiky-eared Pichu.

Ready to rumble

Got Pokemon Rumble but feel it needs a Shiny Bidoof with a Gutsy Trait and Superpower and Hyper attacks? You do!?! Enter ‘2424-3624’ into the password page for this very creature.

Christ compels you

Footage has resurfaced of a classic bit of scaremongering. Behold pastor Phil Arms convincing us “Pokemon teaches children to enter a world of witchcraft”.

New generation 5 Pokemon announced!

Get freaking excited! It’s known as Zoroa, a Dark-type pokemon, and evolves into Zoroark.

Feb 11, 2010